Hayley Marshall #2 (Daughter!Reader)

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 This afternoon has been a busy one for you. You've been in your room and all over the rest of the Mikaelson compound, looking for anything you want to take with you to school. In a few days, you'll be going off to the Salvatore Boarding School for the Young and Gifted, along with your sister Hope. You know a new school year in Mystic Falls will be exciting, but you don't like having to leave New Orleans every September for school. You love the boarding school, but you don't like being away from your family.

 Hayley, your mother, comes into your room while you're packing. 

 "You ready for a new year?" she asks you.

 You shrug. "Yeah, I think so."

 "Right. You know, you don't have to up to Mystic Falls for school if you'd rather not. You can go to school here in New Orleans." 

 "But New Orleans doesn't have a magic school, Mom," you point out. "At least not real magic. Besides, I love the boarding school. It's just sad to be here with my family for the whole summer, and then have to leave when summer's over, you know? And yeah, Hope will be with me, but I know she misses you, too. Have you ever thought about moving to Mystic Falls?"

 "I would consider it," Hayley answers, "But I'm a pack leader here in New Orleans. And I'm pretty sure your father has been banned from Mystic Falls by now."

 "Yeah, I've heard about him being this evil being who caused all kinds of chaos in Mystic Falls. I asked Uncle Elijah about once, but he didn't really want to talk about it."

 "Well, sadly, all the stories are probably true. But don't worry about that, okay? Having Klaus for a father doesn't instantly condemn you. I've heard from the school that you're a great student."

 You shrug again. "Yeah, I guess so. Hey, speaking of Dad, where is he?"

 "Oh, he's probably hounding Hope about the school year. Is it true that there's some boy she likes?"

 "Yeah, there is. Dad isn't making too big a deal out of it, is he? I don't think they're officially dating or anything."

 "Knowing Klaus," says Hayley, "He might find a way to make a big deal out of it. Come on, let's go see where they are. If you know this kid, maybe you can put in a good word for him."

 You follow your mother, realizing that one thing you don't miss when you're at school is the family quarrelling.

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