Lizzie Saltzman #3

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  You've been a student at the Salvatore Boarding School for most of your life, and you've been acquainted with Lizzie Saltzman for all of that time. If she was just another average witch like you, you would probably still find her a bit intimidating; that's just how she seems to act. But the fact that she isn't just an ordinary witch, but a siphoner, has always made you more nervous to be around her. 

 It's isn't only the fact that she's a siphoner, because you also know her twin sister Josie, who has always been very nice to you, and you doubt she would ever hurt you. It's also partly because of Lizzie's personality and the way she acts. There have been quite a few episodes at the school involving one of her tantrums or meltdowns, and that has made you want to avoid her even more. That normally wouldn't be too big an issue, but there is one thing: for some reason, Lizzie seems to like you. 

 From your earliest years at the school, Lizzie has always seemed drawn to you. You have no idea why; you can't think of anything about yourself that would make her attracted to you in any way. As you've gotten older, she seems to have developed some sort of romantic attraction towards you, which really makes you nervous. Imagine if she asks you out and you were to say no? You're not sure what she would do if she were rejected, and you really don't want to know. 

 The only thing you can think of to do is to ignore her and keep your distance from her. You begin avoiding her as much as possible, and at first it actually seems like it's working. But you don't think about how much Lizzie will actually notice you doing this. 

 One afternoon, Lizzie practically corners you in the hallway after you get out of a class. 

 "Hello, Y/N," she says, arms crossed. "I noticed you've been avoiding me lately."

 "Who, me?, I haven't been avoiding you." You look frantically back and forth, but there doesn't seem to be anyone around who might be willing to save you from this confrontation. 

 "Don't give me that. I know you're purposefully avoiding me," Lizzie continues. "I talked to a friend of yours, and he told me you're afraid of me. And here I thought you and I were friends." 

 "Wait, we're friends?" You hadn't thought the two of you were actual friends. 

 "Well, I thought so. I've known you since you first showed up here, we've sat together at meals, we've had conversations, and we always seem to get along. What, do you think I bite? I'm a witch, just like you." 

 "But you're not just a witch; you're a siphoner," you point out. "And on top of that, you don't exactly have the best temper. How do I know you're not going to lose it and take energy from me if I or someone did something to get you angry? Look, I guess I have always liked you a little, but you are also kind of scary to be around." 

 She gives you a look that's a mixture of surprise and anger. Without saying another word, she walks away. 

 You're surprised that that turns out to be the end of the conversation. You would have expected her to say or do something else, but she just left. You wonder what she thought of everything you said. 

 You're not sure why exactly you said what you said. Maybe it was better to just get it all out there. You can't help feeling a little bad, though. Lizzie might not be too bad if you spent more time with her, but you just keep remembering being afraid of her when you were both younger, and she doesn't seem much different now. 

 That evening, when you're making your way to the dining hall for dinner, you hear Lizzie call your name. She catches up with you and asks, "Can I talk to you for a minute?"

 "Uh, sure." You glance around to see if any of your friends are in sight, but you don't see anyone. "What's up?" 

 "I feel like I should apologize," she begins. "I never realized that you were afraid of me, and between my siphoning powers know, being me, I think I get it. I know I haven't always been the nicest or friendliest person, but I'm trying to do better. If you want to, I would really like to try being friends. You know, for real." 

 You're caught completely off-guard by this. It isn't something you were expecting at all. You end up responding, "Yeah, I-I guess we can try." 

 She smiles. "Wonderful. Why don't you come sit with me at dinner? Let's go." 

 She takes your arm and leads you to the dining hall, while you wonder what it's going to be like being actual friends with her. 

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