One Year After

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 New Orleans had changed since Marcel took over again.

 It was the Mikaelsons who had always been the problem; it was very obvious now that they gone who was the cause of all the trouble. Once Marcel had disposed of them, the fighting stopped. No supervillains were coming to the city to cause destruction and chaos. Everything was better.

 Marcel had no regrets over what he had done. It was true that Klaus Mikaelson had once taken him in and taught him, and it was because of those memories that Marcel had felt a certain sort of loyalty to Klaus when the latter returned to the city a few years before.

 Marcel had helped them through every threat which came their way; their parents, Dahlia, the de Martels, Lucien Castle. He was their friend and confidante through it all, until that changed.

 They let Davina die. There was no way they could deny that. Davina Claire, who was like a daughter Marcel from that first night he rescued her. They had simply let her die. If it was one of their own whose lives hung in the balance, they would have found another way. But they let her die, despite the fact Kol Mikaelson had claimed he loved her.

 And now it had been one year since the night Marcel did away with all of them. Klaus was safely locked away, and the rest of them were long since dead. It felt good to have reign over the city again, to know that he was now invincible against anyone who dared to go up against him.

 "So?" Vincent asked.

 "So what?" Marcel asked back. The two men were sitting on a bench in the square as the sun was beginning to set.

 "So, have you actually forgotten what day it is? It's been one year since..."

 "Since we kicked out the Mikaelsons," Marcel finished. "Of course I didn't forget about that. I've been thinking about it all day."

 "Huh. Okay, then."

 Marcel looked over at him. "What?"


 "No, you're thinking something," Marcel said, "And it has to do with me. So, what is it?"

 "All right, all right. I just...I didn't think you would be so...I don't know. Depressed?"

 Marcel sighed. He actually owed a lot to Vincent. He was the one who gave Marcel the serum after the Mikaelsons had extracted it from Aurora de Martel, and he had been at Marcel's side as a partner and a friend for the last year.

 "Well, I guess the part about ending the Mikaelsons is worth celebrating," he said. "Did you actually want to celebrate?"

 Vincent shook his head. "Not really. Didn't think you would, either. But seriously, you do seem a little depressed than I thought you would be. Any regrets?"

 "Absolutely not. Why would you ask me that?"

 "Marcel, I didn't think you did," Vincent replied. "But what kind of friend/co-conspirator would I be if I didn't ask? Things have gone well enough the last year. You haven't made me regret giving you that serum."

 "Well, I sure as hell hope you don't."

 "So do I. So, let's hope some good years are ahead of us."

 Marcel sighed. "Yeah. Let's hope so."

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