Forgotten Formalities (OriXhobbit!reader)

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"Where are you running to Bilbo?" You shouted from the small bench in your garden as you watched the ecstatic hobbit leap over your fence, straight towards the road out of the Shire.

"I'M GOING ON AN ADVENTURE!!!" He exclaimed without slowing.

"I'M COMING TOO BILBO!!" You called to him as you snatched up your yellow handbag and chased after him. Bilbo didn't try to argue with you, and decided to have that intimidating dwarf from last night decide whether or not you could join them as well.

"Absolutely not. I am already forced to have a grocer as my burglar, I will not endorse the fantasies of his lover as well. You aren't even packed for a journey like the one before us!" Thorin stated looking down at you from atop his pony. You scoffed in disgust, a habit you regrettably picked up from your older sister, making Bilbo wince because he knew what was coming next.

"How dare you."


"No. I'm talking now, so it'll be good for you just to shut up and listen." You said, cutting him off and effectively silencing the rest of the company, "Now as I was saying before you so rudely interrupted, how dare you make assumptions about the nature of my abilities without a proper display of them. And further more, I'd like you to refrain from any further implications of impropriety between Bilbo and myself. He's not only family but also my best friend, and absolutely loathes my sister." Thorin looked to Bilbo for an explanation, who simply shrugged, "She's terribly self entitled and wants to take my house for herself." This being as far as he cared to explain at the moment.

"And another thing, how can you say I'm ill prepared when I obviously have this." You said raising your brightly colored handbag.

"There's no way you have enough supplies to last the journey ahead in that bag alone." Thorin squinted at the bag unimpressed.

"Master dwarf, I am a Sacksville-Baggins and we should never be underestimated."


Ori watched the scene unfold before him in awe, never before had he seen anybody speak to Thorin like that, not even Dwalin. But there you were lecturing him as he loomed over you atop his large pony.

"Very well Miss Sackville-Baggins, you may join us if you don't hinder us in any way. The moment you prove my initial judgement correct, we'll be leaving you in the nearest village before we continue forward." Thorin warned before shouting for the company to begin moving forward and for someone to give Bilbo a pony.

Leaving you to walk since there were no more ponies.

Dori shook his head in disbelief, " Miss Y/N you can ride with one of us if you'd feel comfortable doing so." You smiled at his offered, relieved to already see that one of the other dwarves didn't share Thorin's cold attitude towards you, "That's very kind of you Master Dwarf, do you know who would be the best choice?" You asked skipped alongside his pony, your green skirt bouncing with each hop. Dori thought for a second as he looked at the load each of the ponies carried, "Hmmm... it looks like the pony with the lightest load would be my little brother's" Both Nori and Ori looked back to him, "I meant Ori, Nori. You wouldn't mind allowing the lady to share your pony for the day, would you Ori?"

"No of course not," he shook his head quickly, "I-i'd be happy to ride with Y/N."

You heard Bilbo shout in surprise and turned around in time to see the youngest dwarves lift him into the air and drop him on a pony. You giggled at the sight because you knew Bilbo was nervous around horses. That was your mistake, the sound of your laughter caught the attention of Kili who urged his horse to race towards you and scooped you into the air, "Kili, at your service my lady."

"Y/N Sackville-Baggins, at yours" you replied back with a polite nod before adding, "If you would be so kind, could you take me over there to Master Ori? I'm to be riding with him today."

Kili frowned at the request, but guided his pony towards Ori's anyways, "You'd rather ride with the scribe than with me?"

"Everyday, if he'd let me." You said with a smirk, but secretly glanced at your riding partner for the day, worried you may have crossed a line with your new traveling companions. But to your relief, he was smiling at your answer, "You're always welcome to ride me Lady Y/N."

For a moment he hadn't realized he misspoke. But then every head that had been within earshot snapped in Ori's direction with varying levels of amusement and shock clear on their faces.

Nori looked so proud.

Ori's eyes grew wide and a dark blush creeped up from under his collar until it covered his entire face, "Oh Aüle, I-i didn't mean to say- I don't want you to r-Well.. I mean-I am so sorry- Oh gods somebody strangle me with my beard already." He stammered as he pulled his long gray scarf up over his cheeks and laid his forehead down on the back of his pony.

"Front or behind?"

"What?" Ori asked, looking up at the sound of your voice.

"Would you like me to sit in front of you or behind you?" you asked again, pretending he never misspoke.

"Oh-h um, I don't mind where you sit ma'am."

"I haven't had much experience on a pony so I'd honestly feel safer sitting front of you if that's alright with you." You admitted.

"Hurry up now! We mustn't fall behind." Dori shouts back to us. Without warning Kili laughed and threw you to Ori, causing you to squeak in surprise as you fell gracelessly onto his horse. With an awkward laugh you quickly righted yourself on the horse in front of him, "I guess you could say I'm already falling for you Master Ori." Ori opened his mouth to reply.

To say something.


To at least stop staring at the hobbit that had been dropped onto his pony.

"Please forgive me Master Ori, I tend to make jokes when I'm flustered. It's gotten me into trouble more times than I can count." You apologize, turned slightly around the on the pony so you could see him.

"It's quite alright ma'am." He said, glad that you didn't let the initial awkwardness linger, "Oh! I haven't properly introduced myself. Ori, at your service." His delayed formality made you laugh, "Y/N Sacksville-Baggins, at yours."

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