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(Max in the picture above)

I turned around...Dan. Oh no. But even worse, The losers club were starring right at me. "ROSE!" Dan shouted. "Wh-what." I stuttered quietly embarrased. "I TOLD YOU THAT WE NEEDED TO HAVE A IMPORTANT TALK ABOUT SERIOUS THINGS AND YOU FUCKING RUN OFF!?" oh. he did say that while we were eating and he sounded pretty serious. But I forgot. I just wanted to get out of there. In the middle of my thoughts Dan grabbed my arm tightly and slapped me. I shouted in pure fear. Max started barking loudly. "DO YOU KNOW HOW IMPORTANT THAT WAS!" Still I couldnt say anything. "YOUR SUCH A FUCK UP!" Dan yelled in pure anger. But then. He picked me up. A-and threw me on the ground and started kicking me.

All of the losers were startled and were wanting to leave but there were no way out upset the path that Dan was beating me in. ''P-please stop!" I cried. Then Max started growling and and ran up to Dan and bit his arm. "AGHH MAX YOUR NEXT!" "NO!" DONT HURT HIM HURT ME!" Dan starts running tords Max with his belt. I got the strength to get up and ran straight to Dan. "Let him go!" I screamed. I jumped up to him and hit as hard as I could. When he fell I grabbed Max's leash and ran quickly. As I ran I looked over were the losers were and it turned out they were starring straight at me.

I gave them a 'im so sorry' frown and sprinted across the grass. I knew me and Max couldnt go home so I turned to the next street. Oh! did I tell you I had one cousin who actually seemed to like me? Well I was running tords her house. As I got to her house I noticed her parent's cars were not in the drive way. That was good and I knew she was there because she wanted me to come over today. But I didnt want to come over like this and in this way. I ran inside and calmed down before I went up to her room. See, I didnt want to tell her what happend because she would call my mom and tell her what happend. And I dont want to deal with that today.

I was probably going to spend the night since Dan only come twice a month because of work. I went up to her room and saw her humming to 'Youand writing in her little notebook with smiley stickers on it. "Hey Julie." I said quietly. She jumped up startled. "Oh! hey Rose I didnt know you were in here!" She giggled. ''Hey uh..can I spend the night here? I said knowing Dan would be there. "Ok! Sounds fun, not to be rude but why all of the sudden? You always call or something. Is something wrong?" She asked concerned. "Oh! No I just felt like it." I said lying.

Me and Julie had fun but I needed to leave. I said bye to her and left with Max by my side. As I walked down the sidewalk 'Purple Rain' flowed through my head as I thought of Richie. I hated that he hated me. I had a goal to actually talk to the losers but of course that didnt happen. The bowers gang were extra hard on me this year. My grades dropped because of my depression. My grandmother that I loved very much died this year...All of these sad and twisted memories and thoughts were rushing through my head as I fell to the ground. I was having an axiety attack.

My eyes got blurry and Max started barking. Tears were running down my face, I was scared. Scared of everything that went through my mind. My breathing was pacing up and the tears were running faster. Practically everything was going faster in and out.

Eddie's p.o.v

Me and the losers were riding down our bikes then we heard frantic barking. We all looked at eachother curious of what was down the next street. "Why the hell is a dog barking in such and rich and quiet street like this!" Richie stated rather loudly. "Will you be quiet!" I whisper yelled at him. "Okie dokie Eddie spagetti" Richie said goofily. I rolled my eyes annoyed and started peddling torwards the sound of barking. Soon enough they followed. My eyes widend when I saw who was lying straight across the road. Rose Lemberg was lyingon the ground having an axiety attack. I quickly ran over to the poor girl knowing what to do. I was calming her worried she needs a doctor. I zipped open my fanny pack and took my inhaler out. I gave it to her and she snatched it and used it like her life depended on it.

back to Rose's p.o.v

I saw the inhaler through my blurry sight and snatched it. Once I used it my breathing started to slow back to its normal rythym. My eye sight was clearing up and I could see the losers circling around me. I instantly sat up startling all of them. "W-what are you guys doing?" I said kind of frightend and embarrased that they saw my axiety attack. Yet, I was thankfull Eddie came over to help me. "Minding our own bussiness." Richie sassed. All the losers looked at him like they just saw a man murder an inocent person..Just like he was slowly murdering my heart. I frowned and just said "O-ok..Ill be off now...." "No! um we were wondering if you would like to come to my house with us." Ben quickly said.

I knew he just felt bad for me but I took it. I smiled and sat up from the ground wiping the grass and dirt off my pants and patting Max's head signaling him that I was ok. "Really?" I said smiling like a total idiot. The losers were shocked Rose could just brush off something like that away but they just ignored it. Richie was looking annoyed but Rose just didnt think about it. "Yeah!" Beverly smiled warmly. Rose nodded and looked infront of her. She just had her axiety attack infront of her house. She shrugged and walked to her garage grabbing her bike and lifting Max up and putting him in the little basket she had on it. "Wow wait, this is your house!?" Stan said surprised. "Yeah. Why so shocked?" Rose questioned. The losers looked up at the rather big house and were just jaw dropped. "I-its beautiful." Bill smiled.

Rose thanked them and they were off to Bens house.


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bye my emoji pillows :)


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