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I freakin lovveee Richard Toizer

We looked in eachothers eyes like we just saw jesus christ himself. We didnt do anything. We..We just looked at eachother. With full passion and truth. I felt like we were the only people in the world...that were in love. But I knew he didnt love me. I bet he just said that because he felt bad for the girl with long curly brunette hair. It was only a matter of time till they broke the tension and awkwardly looked away. "Um I should go..." Richie stated. "I think there little 'meeting is over by now." "O-ok um bye.." I kinda mumbled.

Hours after Richie left I heard the front door open signaling that someone had arrived. I careflly peeked out my bedroom door and down the stairs. I saw my brother walking down the hallway with his leather jacket in his hand...not drunk. I was extremely happy at the sight. This was the first time in three weeks that he came home not intoxicated. To be honest, me and my brother (terry) had plenty of fun together. But it was rare. So I took every chance to spend some time with him. He was a very good person. Infact amazing. I remember when I was 4 I did everything he did. And he was just fine with that.

I walked down stairs and into the living room where he was. "Hey Terry!" I smiled warmly. He turned around and grinned at me. "Hey sis! What are ya doin'!" Shit. He hates when I do this but I was thinking about my actual dad. I moved here in second grade. The year my mom and dad got divorced. He was secretly having an affair with a woman that was in a band. He wanted to leave on tour with her. So he told my mom about the affair, got divorced, and he left. For good. "Um I was just thinking about..dancing." I said longingly. "Cool sis. Wanna go bowling!" Terry said happily. "Y'know like we did back then?" I thought about the memories we had going bowling almost every month. "Yes!"

Terry didnt mean to be rude but he told me on the way there if I wasnt bullied I would be the badass of the school. He was right. Just my axiety and depression made me soft. I got my problems in 6th grade. Before that I was quite the fighter. As we all know, my family is pratically rich. So me and my brother had the worst yet best reputation. Anyone that got in my way of something I wanted or even deserved, I would practically break their nose. I still have it in me, I just dont bring it out. For...reasons.

We arrived at the bowling alley and we started going against eachother and since I was a little rusty from the lack of the fun hobby, he started beating me instantly. After a few rounds I was getting used to it and finally started winning. "Ha! I got ya now!" I teased. We were tired of bowling and we went down the hall where the arcade was. We walked in the room and started playing all kinds of games. I looked over and saw Bill, Richie, and Stan surrounded a certain game with Richie playing it. He was cursing while playing it, losing of course. Then I remembered I was supposed to hang out with them today but not here and not now. Not with my brother.

I told Terry that I wasnt feeling good and we left. Once we got home I decided I should show the losers what I 'can' be and was. I curled my hair, Put black eye-lyner on, and put my world famous leather jacket on. I looked in the mirror satisfied and said "There's my girl...there's my badass girl.." I smirked in the mirror happy I finally brung back the actual me. I called Bill asking him where they are and when I can visit. But my voice sounded a little bit tuffer of course. "Oh hey, w-we are at my h-house you can come over a-anytime." He stuttered. "K, Ill be there in a minute." I said.

Before I walked out the door my brother called "Rose!, I have something for you!" I walked back into Terry's room and saw him smiling at me. "Here." Is all he said. He handed me a butterfly knife that had Lemberg carved in it. "Incase well y'know theres been alot of missing kids and I dont want you to be one of them." He frowned. I nodded and hugged Terry. "I love you Terry." I whispered. "I love you too." He said quietly. He broke away from the hug and then his eyes got wide. "Hey! Since when did you start wearing your actual clothes!" I laughed and said "I felt like it." I giggled. I put the butterfly knife in my shoe and walked to the front door. Max was waiting quietly at the door for me. "C'mon Max lets go." I smiled at my buddy.

Once I got there I dropped my bike where everyone else had their's and walked through the door. There was a mirror in the hall and I looked at myself checking to see if I looked good. I was completely diffrent but I didnt care. I just wanted to look good. I found my way to Bill's room and creeked the door open....They all looked at me "WOW!"


Guysss I just finished this book called 'Cry Baby' and im crying go check it out I love it. Sorry I have to leave you on a cliff hanger.

Bye my soapy brownies


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