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you do not know how comfortable I am lmao

"WOW!" Mike pointed out suprised of what he was seeing. At that point Richie was showing heart eyes. "Wow Rose! You look completely diffrent! Um..why?" Beverly complemented but then again questioned. "Guys this is my actual personality..Its just my depression and axiety made me soft. Well kinda just changed the way I thought of myself so I dressed diffrent." Rose explained hoping they were ok with it. "So...So this how you used to be? Cause its awesome!" Richie said just stunned at Rose's appearence. "Mhm." Rose giggled.

Rose was happy they liked her appearence but was kinda weirded out by Richie staring at her the whole time along with Bill, exept he wasnt staring at her, he was just glacing at her beauty from time to time. Richie was always interested in the gorgeous girl but know, he feels like he has fallen for her. But he isnt quite sure yet. "Hey There's a diner a few minutes away with amazing milkshakes and slushies. Is there any chance you guys would want to go?" Rose asked the others. "Yes! anyone else in?" Richie said now wanting to be with Rose at all times.

Soon everyone else agreed to go and they cycled their way to the diner. They all walked inside with Max walking by there side. (They aloud dogs in the diner they just had to have them on leashes)
They all sat down in one big booth with Max just lying down under the table. "Soo princess what do ya want?" Richie winked at Rose. Richie didnt know Rose liked him. But ever since the axiety attack and the event that happend at Bens', she just lost interest. But of course she still had little butterflies when she sees him. Rose was blushing still because she was never been 'flirted' to.

A waiter came to our table and Rose ordered a strawberry slushie. Of course Richie kept hitting on Rose and Bill wouldnt stop giving him death glares. Max was nudging Eddie for some of his fries too. A few minutes after, Edds gave in and gave Max a frie or two. Soon enough, Rose's brother called and said its almost curfew. Rose told the losers and she made her way out the door. But Richie insisted on riding with her because of the 'dangerous creatures' out in the streets. Rose decided to walk because she was tired of riding her bike. Max was walking beside her panting because of how hot it was outside. "Damn its hot, well, because of you hotstuff." Richie stated while smirking. Rose giggled and pushed him aside.

Once they arrived to Rose's house Richie walked her up to the porch. Richie was leaning in to kiss her but she already was walking in the house. "Bye Richie!" Rose yelled not knowing Richie was trying to show effection. Richie practically fell into the air when she said bye. He looked over annoyed and said "Bye honey.." Richie said kinda quiet but enough for Rose to hear. Rose smiled at him and winked just to tease him about it. Richie smirked and winked back not knowing it was just a little tease.

Rose looked around and noticed Terry was not there. She walked in the kitchen for a snack and saw a note on the fridge.
I left with some friends, call me if you need me.
Rose threw away the note knowing what to do and grabbed a snack going up to her room. She ate the snack while watching a movie on her little box tv. After about 4 movies and alot of popcorn at 7:53 her phone started ringing. She picked up the phone and instantly knew it was Beverly. They just talked and gossiped about anything. They stayed up all night just talking. They talked to eachother like they already knew everything about the other. Infact, they both fell asleep on the phone.

Rose woke up in the middle of the night from Max nudging on her shoulder. She was startled at first but then she noticed the happy furry animal sitting beside her most likley hungry. She went down stairs, turned the lights on and went straight torwards the kitchen. She fed Max and went back to her room. She could hear slight snoring but didnt know where it was coming from. She moved forward listening to the snores moving to her bed. She looked down at her telephone confused then realized that she fell asleep on the phone with Bev.

She giggled and put the phone back hanging up. She snuggled up to her covers falling asleep. The next morning she hopped up and and noticed it was quite rainy outside. She loved the rain alot, infact it was her favorite weather. She smiled then played on her keyboard singing softly in peace.


Guys I want to say thank you for actually reading my story. I had to read a book to a 4 year old girl in the middle of making this. Im bored to byeee!

Fair well my pooped on jello loving aliens


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