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I was startled to death when Bill cooed "Shhhh i-its ok." rubbing my back. I lunged myself at him and hugged him like my life depended on it. Then I knew...my biggest fear was loosing Max. That night Bill conforted me and I snuggled into Maxs fur and fell asleep. I woke up more energized than normal. But that was fine since Bill had asked me if I would hangout with the losers the night before and of course I said yes.

Bill left because Beverly needed him for an important 'meeting'. Not to be rude, but I was glad he left. I really felt like spending time with myself. I turned on 'Hysteria' by Def Leppard and danced around enjoying the music filling my ears. I felt free. It was my escape and my happieness. Then a real song came on. 'Little Red Corvette' by Prince came on and I started spinning around and softly singing the lyrics. But then I started feeling watched.

I looked to the window seeing if yet another person climbed up there but no. Then I heard the door creak a little and quickly looked over. Richie was standing in the doorway smiling like and idiot. The current song was going off and another song came on but I ignored the music and focused on who was standing in my room. "Why are you in here and how did you get in my house!" I sqealed still annoyed about him finally apologizing but also that he caught me dancing. "Well I kind just wanted to come over and straighten things out with you and also I was bored because the rest of the losers left me for a stupid 'meeting'. They think I cant handle it." Richie explained in a pouty tone.

"Well ok I guess. Bill just left for that little 'meeting' and I was spending time alone but we can talk." I quietly agreed. Richie clenched his jaw when he heard that Bill was here. Richie didnt question why he was here because he knew Rose would catch up on his feelings. Richie looked around the room and said "Wow, big house." Rose told him about her mom's job then asked. "You still didnt answer how you got inside." "Well I knocked five hundred times but someone wouldnt answer." Richie said saying someone in a long way with a goofy glare shooting straight torwards Rose.

"Sooo I just let myself in." Richie grinned. Rose rolled her eyes and sat on her bed. "Um what exactly did we need to straighten out." Rose asked looking at Richie. Richie sighed to himself and told Rose why he was always mean to her. Rose's eyes tear up and a tear goes down her face when she hears the part about Richie wanting to protect the losers from getting bullied twice as much if they hangout with you. Rose was always the main target when it came to bullying. So when people bully her, whoever is with her is a target too.

She also felt bad for getting Richie so scared of hanging out with you. It wasnt his fault you couldnt control your feelings. It was yours. Richie of course regrets telling you why he bullied you but how else was he supposed to tell you? He could see the hurt in your eyes as he explained. Finally the explaining was over and you turned away now knowing the truth. You told yourself that truth hurts and there is no other way it could've gone anyway.

"I can see you like Prince!" Richie giggled as he looked at thousands of Prince posters along with many Micheal Jackson ones too. You were still sad so you kept looking at your comfortable blanket on your bed. "Hey..." Richie said sadly lifting my face up making the hair on my face fall off. He just stared into my eyes. "Your eyes are absolutly beautiful.." Richie mumbled. I could feel my face heat up and said "U-uh thanks.." "Shit! I said that out loud?!" Richie says as his face heats up in embarrassment.

I hope ya liked it. I cant make this long because I need to go to bed. Trust me I drank a whole coffee cup to finish this so byeeee!

Bye my awesome microwaves :)


Unwanted | Richie Toizer [DISCONTINUED]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora