1 Year Later and Changes

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I grab my luggage from the back of our Uber and picked up a sleeping Emerald and placed her on my hip. Sawyer climbed out of the car and grabbed my luggage along with his and Emerald's. I pulled out my phone and texted dad to unlock the door. We walked up to the Ortiz Household and waited to hear the door unlock. Once it did I opened the door and walked inside, quickly rushing to my room with Emerald and Sawyer right behind me.

"Mommy? Why are we moving?" A sleepy Emerald asked.

"We just got back to my house babycakes," I whispered to her.

She nodded and closed her eyes again. I laid her down in my bed and tucked her in. I turned to Sawyer and smiled.

"Do you mind cuddling her until she's asleep again?" I asked him politely.

"Of course," He smiled at me.

He climbed into bed next to Emerald and Emerald smiled. I smiled at them and unpack my bag, setting up my room again. I pulled out my laptop and put it down on my desk along with my camera. I pulled the small little box out of my bag and began to hang up my Polaroid pictures. I sighed softly and sat in my bean bag chair, seeing both Emerald and Sawyer asleep. I cuddled into my bean bag chair and soon fell asleep.

The next day I woke up at 9am and jumped out of my bean bag chair. I got changed into a grey t-shirt crop top with the rims maroon, denim washed shorts and maroon converse. I left my blue to purple to red ombre hair down in its natural waves and then woke Sawyer up. He smiled and grabbed what he was going to wear for the day and walked behind the changing station. I shook Emerald lightly, waking her up. She yawned and sat up.

"Good morning babycakes," I smiled at her.

"Good morning mommy!" She giggled softly.

"What do you want to wear today?" I asked her as I opened her suitcase.

"Jean shorts, red flannel, white t-shirt and my red converse please," Emerald smiled.

I pulled out the outfit and handed it to Emerald. Sawyer walked from behind the changing station and Emerald walked behind it and began to change. I smiled at Sawyer who smiled at me.

"Are you happy to be back?" Sawyer asked.

"A little bit. I missed everyone but I don't know what I'm feeling," I sighed.

I opened a jewelry box and put in a music note nose ring. I then pulled out a rose gold rose belly button ring and put it in. I then pulled out a heart earring and put it into my cartilage piercing. I then put two stud earrings into my standard piercing place and the second piercing place. Emerald walked out from behind the changing station with the flannel tied around her waist. I chuckled to myself as Emerald sat in front of me.

"What kind of braids today?" I asked her.

'The zig zag twist back please," Emerald giggled as she took my phone and began to play a game.

I began to do her hair when I looked over Emerald's shoulder to see her scrolling through someone's Instagram. She scrolled fast but stopped at one of the pictures. I then realized she stopped at a picture of Josh and I.

"Who's this?" Emerald asked me as she showed me the photo.

"Ex boyfriend. He cheated on me with a mean girl twice," I shrugged.

"Is he really bad?" Emerald asked, seeming interested.

"No. He's actually really sweet but something was wrong with him," I explained.

"What was wrong with him?" She asked.

"Why are you trying to know all my business?" I asked with a chuckle.

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