Pool and Never Have I Ever

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Blue's P.O.V

When we got to our street, Emma walked to her house to get changed as Josh and Cameron walked to their house to get changed. Sawyer and I walked into my house and smiled to see Jayce sleeping on the couch with Emerald next to him, asleep also.

"Damn. Jayce is a great babysitter if he's able to get her to sleep and it's not even 8pm," I chuckled.

"Yeah. He is," Sawyer chuckled.

We walked up to my room and I grabbed a bikini and changed into a knotted light blue bikini top and a light blue bikini thong bottoms behind the changing station. I walked out two see Sawyer in maroon swim trunks and I braided my hair into two Dutch braids. He smiled at me and grabbed my phone knowing I'll be using it. We walked downstairs and into the living room to see Josh, Cameron and Emma already here. Emma was in a peach knotted bikini top and peach bikini thong bottoms. Cameron was in green swim trunks as Josh was in navy blue swim trunks.

"Ready you three?" I asked them.

"Yeah and damn girl. You did lose weight," Emma chuckled.

I rolled my eyes and walked out to the pool, turning on my jamming songs playlist as, 'Part Of Me' by Katy Perry began to play. I smiled to myself and put my phone on a table as I sat on the edge of the pool. Sawyer sat on my left as Emma sat on my right. Josh sat on Sawyer's left and Cameron sat on Emma's left.

"Do you all want to play never have I ever?" Sawyer asked.

"Sure," Emma and I smiled.

"Ten fingers, right?" Cameron asked for clarification.

"Yup," Sawyer nodded holding out ten fingers, "And we have to clap before putting a finger down and explain the story."

I put out ten fingers and Emma began to speak.

"Never have I ever sucked dick," Emma shrugged.

"Uhh..." I bit my lip and clapped, putting down a finger.

"You have?!" Emma yelled.

"Shut up, and yes," I elbowed her, "It was a dare at a party I went to in California."

"Damn, Cam. It's your turn," Emma stated.

"Never have I ever...had a fantasy about someone that I was not in a relationship with," Cameron shrugged.

Josh, Sawyer, Emma, and I clapped, putting another finger down. We all turned to Josh.

"We'll go down the line," I suggested, "So Josh starts."

"Blue," Josh whispered.

"Blue also," Sawyer shrugged.

"Why thank you," I giggled as I tossed my hair, "Ben Tyler Cook."

"Oh. Yeah. Same. But mine was Cameron when we weren't together and also Sky Flaherty," Emma chuckled.

"Damn. Wow. I feel the Love," Cameron scoffed.

"Never have I ever been caught in a hot makeup session," Josh stated.

Sawyer, Emma, Cameron and I clapped, putting another finger down, leaving me with 7, Emma with 8, Sawyer with 8, Cameron with 9 and Josh with 9. Ha. Losers.

"I was caught with Cameron," Emma blushed, embarrassed.

"That was an interesting day," Cameron chuckled.

"I was caught with Sawyer but it wasn't really caught, it was seven minutes in Heaven," I shrugged.

"That still counts if you didn't know the time was up," Emma nodded.

"Well damn," I chuckled.

"Never have I ever...been in a cop car," Sawyer said.

Emma and I clapped.

"You guys have?" Cameron asked.

"We never speak about it but yeah. We snuck out one night to go to a party in 9th grade and let's just say we were escorted home in a cop car," I laughed.

"That was a interesting day," I laughed.

"Never have I ever been walked in getting undressed by a significant other," I thought.

Emma clapped and laughed, "I was getting changed to go on a date with Cameron and I turned around with my shirt off and he was standing there."

"I remember that," Cameron laughed.

We kept playing for a while and soon I was left with one point, Sawyer with four, Emma with three, Cameron with four and Josh with five. Ha. Loser.

"Never have I ever...had sex," Emma stated as she wiggles her eyebrows.

Sawyer and I clapped our hands and I avoided eye contact with Emma.

"You have?!" Emma yelled once again.

"Yeah. There was this party that we shouldn't have gone to and we were dared to have sex. We did use protection though so that was good," I explained.

"How'd you like it?" Emma asked.

"Why would I tell you?" I chuckled.

"Cause I'm your best friend," Emma smirked.

"Well you won't be knowing," I laughed.

"Come on. Let's swim," I giggled as I pushed myself into the pool.

For the next five hours we swam and talk and played games. It was pretty fun. We all took pictures and I unblocked everyone on my social media.

"Hey Blue. Are you willing to show me around your little hometown?" Sawyer asked.

"Yeah. Sure. When?" I asked him.

"Is tomorrow okay?" He asked back.

"Sure. I just need to find someone to watch Emerald," I smiled.

"I'll watch her," Josh smiled at me.

"Are you sure?" I asked him, "She can be a handful."

"Yeah. I'd love to watch her for you," he nodded.

I nodded and smiled, "Thanks Josh."

"No problem," He stated.

"Let's take a selfie!" Emma giggled as she handed her phone to Cameron.

He put his arm out and we took a few selfies.

"Hey Blue. It's getting late. I'm going to head home," Emma yawned.

"Us too," Cameron nodded.

Bye you three!" I waved at them as they disappeared to the front of the house. 

Sawyer and I climbed out of the pool and dried off. We walked into the house and I went to the my room and grabbed pajamas and underwear. I went into the bathroom and took a shower. I then dried myself off and changed into my pajamas. Sawyer went to go shower and I went into the living room and picked up a sleeping Emerald. I walked her up to my room and laid her down in my bed. I tucked her in and sat in my bean bag chair. Twenty minutes later, Sawyer walked upstairs in pajamas.

"Do you want to sleep with Emerald tonight?" He asked me.

"Yeah. You can sleep in my bean bag chair," I said as I got up and climbed into bed next to Emerald.

"Okay. Goodnight Blue," Sawyer yawned.

"Goodnight Sawyer."

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