Beautiful and Questions

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When we arrived at school we all walked inside and I smiled. I missed this school so damn much. We walked into the auditorium and was engulfed by Caroline, Chloe and Mack.

"Blue! You're back!" They yelled.

"And hotter," Chloe winked.

"Thanks," I winked back.

"Blue! You're back!" Harris smiled, "And you've changed."

"It's good to be back," I smiled.

"Everyone, come sit down in the first few rows!" Harris yelled.

Emma grabbed my hand and pulled me to the front row. Emma sat down on my left with Sawyer on my right. I looked at Sawyer and smiled at him and he smiled back. I glanced behind him to see Josh looking at me. He caught me staring and quickly looked away and Makih sat next to him. I turned back to Harris, giving him my attention.

"Welcome everyone!" Harris smiled, "This year I will give you two hints so you guys can guess the musical we are doing. Your first hint is the main character's a leading woman. And the second hint is that a certain person in the audience has always wanted to do this musical."

I shot my hand up and Harris called on me, "Is it Heathers?"

"Yes!" Harris smiled, "Since I have pulled a few strings, we have gotten the right to the original show and not the high school edition. So that means everyone that wants to audition, needs to get this signed by a parent or guardian to audition. But now we can have our karaoke party!"

We all clapped as Emma grabbed my hand, pulling me into the stage wing. She unlocked the costume closet and opened the door. We walked inside and sat down.

"Okay, now that I have you alone I have a lot to say, and you damn well have some explaining to do as well. For starters, while you were off playing house in California I was having the worst fucking year of my life. Let's recap, shall we? Let's start with the day after you left. I walked into your house and it was like someone died. When I found out you left it was like a part of me left too. This past year I pushed everyone away from me, and almost lost Cameron in the process too. You ruined me Blue, and I don't know if you can ever do anything to fix that," Emma ranted, "The least you can do is at least answer a few questions. There's so many cycling through my head but these ones are the most important I guess."

"Okay, shoot," I shrugged.

"Fist of all what on EARTH made you think it was okay to just disappear like that? You hurt me and everyone else so bad," Emma explained.

"I just didn't want to be near Josh, so I up and left," I explained.

"Also don't think I didn't notice those scars on your wrist, trust me I have matching ones. You weren't the only one going through stuff Blue," Emma whispered.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there," I apologized.

"You should be," Emma growled, "Also can you please explain why there's a little girl following you around calling you mommy? And who's the dude? Is he daddy or something? You make a new family in California or something?"

"Emerald is Dennis's little sister. Her mom past away during the summer and that's why I came back, because I have been raising her illegally and need to give her to my mom until I can adopt her as my own. And Sawyer is not the father. He's my best friend that I made in California," I explained.

"Best friend? Wow, great looks like my work here is done. Glad I've been of service to you. You've known this guy for what, a year? And just like that he can take away a title that I've held for 15 FUCKING YEARS. So great to know that I can be so easily replaced. Who smacked that punk ass second grader in the face when he called your shirt boyish in the first grade? Who was there when you projectile vomited before your George Washington presentation in third grade? Who was there for you when you twisted your ankle in the fifth grade trying to do some cool dance move? Who backed off and let you date the boy we both liked in sixth grade even though I 'technically called dibs first'? Who gave you her flannel to tie around your waist when you got your first period in seventh grade? Who took the blame when cracked your first phone because I knew your dad would refuse to buy a new one? Who helped you start up your YouTube channel in ninth grade that later went on to get five million subscribers? Who let you date a boy even though they knew he was not right for you? It was me! Me! Me! Me! Not Sawyer! So I'd rethink that title if I were you," Emma yelled.

"I didn't mean it like that! You aren't my best friend!" I yelled back, "You are my sister. A sister from another mister."

"Thank you. Now, lastly what's up with the whole "depressed girl look"? No matter how much you change your appearance, you will still be Blue, my Blue, Kyle's Blue, your parent's Blue, Cameron's Blue, and no matter how much you deny it, Josh's Blue. You cannot EVER escape that no matter how far you run and no matter what kids you pick up along the way," Emma explained.

"I know that. I just felt like it would give me a fresh start, and it kinda did," I explained.

"Well no matter what you are still the Blue I love and adore," Emma smiled at me.

"Thanks Em," I smiled back.

"No problem."

Josh's P.O.V

I walked around the auditorium, looking for Makih. I need to talk to her, like now. I still like Blue and I don't want to be dating someone when I like someone else. I opened the door to the left wing to see Ricky and Makih making out. Makih snapped her head back at me and got off of Ricky and walked over to me.

"Josh. it's not what it looks like," Makih stuttered.

"It is what it looks like and I'm perfectly fine with it. Ricky, treat her right. I don't deserve her anyway," I smiled as I turned on my heels and walked back into the auditorium.

I walked over to Cameron and sat down next to him, "How are you?"

"Good, why you asking?" Cameron asked.

"I'm just wondering," I shrugged, "How are you and Emma?"

"We are great actually. We both can't wait until we can live together after we graduate," Cameron smiled.

"Do you think you could help me get back together with Blue?" I asked him.

"Why would I help you after all you did to Blue?" Cameron asked me back.

"Because you are my twin and you owe me a solid," I smirked.

"Fucking shit. I forgot I owed you a solid," Cameron groaned.

"Well, how can I ask her back out?" I asked him.

"Well, maybe you should wait a few months before asking her out. Take care of Emerald for her, take Emerald to do something. Do something that would make Blue happy and appreciate you helping," Cameron suggested.

"Maybe I should. Thank's Cammy," I smiled at him.

"Anytime Joshy," Cameron smiled back.

The three hours passed and sooner than later Sawyer, Blue, Emma, Cameron and I began to make our way home.

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