Chapter 1 -Coming Home

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This fanfic is a mixture of both first person and third person:

*Jay’s P.O.V*

My family do mean a lot to me, especially my younger sister Rachael. It’s just the two of us, so we are very close. We have a very special bond though. I try to look after her and protect due to the fact that she spent a lot of time in hospital as a child. Now that I’m in a band though, I don’t get to see her as much as what I would like, but we do speak on the phone every night, and I Skype her every weekend.

Today, my parents Ann and Paul and sister Rachael, are coming to visit for the week! Rachael is close to the boys, as she sees them when she visits, except Nathan. Nathan and Rachael despise each other, which is a pity as my family will be staying with us for the next week. Nathan isn’t too happy, if I’m honest. He’s going to try and stay well away from her, and if I’m honest, I hope he will. She’s my little sister and I don’t want to see her hurt.

*End of Jay’s P.O.V*

‘Let’s go people! Let’s go!’ shouted Ann, Jay’s mum. They all hoped in the car and began their long journey from Nottingham to London. They knew it would be a long journey, they didn’t realise how long it would be. To say everyone was excited was an understatement. Ann had spent the previous month planning the trip and packing her bag. (Yes, that’s right, she packed her bag 4 weeks before the trip) Ann even refused to stop the car at the service station because she really wanted to see Jay. They made the journey into London City in good time. Just minutes away from Jay and Nathan’s flat, they were stopped at a red light. Ann decided to text Jay:

‘Just minutes away Jay! See you soon! Mum x’

When the light turned green, Ann threw her phone on the dash and drove on. Then, out of nowhere, she saw a black Audi, thundering towards her, on the wrong side of the road. ‘WATCH OUT ANN!’ shouted Paul, but it was too late. Ann swerved to avoid the car and ended up hitting another oncoming car. The screeches from the car were deafening. Ann’s car kept going, but came to a halt once it hit a tree.

Rachael could hear the moans coming from the front of the car. She had come out the best of all three, hardly a scratch although she had suffered from a major case of whiplash. She began to move to see how her parents were. They had both passed out in the front. She moved forward searching for her mum’s phone, but then they were hit from the back by another car. It was like a scene from Hollyoaks.  She fell back in her seat and banged her head off the door. Soon everything began to fade. She could hear voices outside the car. ‘Are they ok?’ one asked. ‘Call an ambulance’ someone else shouted. That was all she heard as she was soon in a deep sleep.

Ann’s phone light up in the front. It was Jay.

‘Great! Can’t wait to see you! Jay x’


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Rachael x

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