Chapter 16 - Wedding Plans

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*Nathan’s P.O.V*

The next few weeks began to pass very quickly. The week after I came home from hospital Emma was around every day, to my dismay, waiting on me hand and foot. She’d arrive at eight every morning and wouldn’t leave until ten at night which meant I didn’t get to see Rachael as often. I wasn’t allowed out of bed.

The next two weeks were a holiday for not only me, but for Emma and Rachael too. Emma flew to Spain with her best friends, so it was just Rachii and I. She moved into my room permanently, unaware to Emma. We’re seeing each other behind Emma’s back. I returned to work the week she left, and Rachael found a job as a receptionist in a doctor’s office. I guess treating me helped her find her calling!

Then the nightmare began. Emma returned home from Spain full of ideas for the wedding. She did complain about not having an engagement ring, but she’s not getting one from me any time in the future. First things first, set the date for the wedding.

‘Nathy, I want to get married as soon as possible. What about November? That’s five months’ time.’ She asked. ‘Yeah sure, whatever you think’ I stated. I wasn’t really concentrating on the wedding, but the way I was going to break up with her. Whatever happened, I couldn’t marry her. Rachael’s the one I want to marry, not Emma.

‘I want to get married on the beach’ she explained. ‘In the middle of November?’ I asked confused. ‘Yeah, it doesn’t matter what season it is baby. I’ve always wanted a beach wedding. I’ll wear white, so will you and the bridesmaids will wear pink and we’ll get married before sun set and sleep on the beach.’ She began to trail off. ‘Sounds lovely’ I muttered but began thinking about Rachael. Wait until she hears these plans that Emma has for the wedding. Speaking of Rachael, I haven’t seen her much over the last few days, she’s been poorly.

‘Okay babe, let’s go to the food tasting!’ she exclaimed. ‘Food tasting?’ I asked confused. ‘Yes you silly goose, I’ve organised the food tasting for the wedding. Remember, I told you earlier’ she remained me. To be fair, she probably did, I just haven’t really been listening to anything she’s been saying. I’ve been planning the best break - up plan but still haven’t come up with anything. Rachael was right though, I should have broken up with her earlier, but I never got around to it.

She pulled me by the hand down the road, as we tried to escape from paparazzi. ‘Nathan, what’s it like to be engaged?’ ‘So you’ve finally found the one you’re happy with?’ ‘What happened to Rachael McGuiness?’ She nearly pulled my hand off after she heard that final question. ‘Don’t you dare bring up that thing in front of my fiancé’ she shouted at the media. ‘Nathan has never had anything to do with her and never will’ she spat before picking up a photographers camera and flinging it across the road. ‘I’m sorry about that. Send me the bill in the post, I’ll pay every cent’ I apologised.

‘Emma, do you really think that was necessary?’ I asked. ‘Yeah, it was baby. They were interrogating me’ she pouted. ‘Well babe, if you’re going to marry me, you’ll have to get used to that. They’re never going to leave you alone. They’ll follow you everywhere, you’ll never escape them. If you can’t handle them, then maybe we shouldn’t get married’ I suggested hopping she would agree. ‘Oh Nathan, I love you. I’m not going to call off this wedding. I’ll just have to get over it for you baby’ she smiled. You’d think that butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth, but by God it would. ‘We’re here’ she sang arriving at a nearby hotel. ‘The catering company here have said that they can do the food and bring it to the beach after the ceremony. ‘Come on’ she squealed pulling me in by the hand.

I had to stay there for hours, bored out of my mind trying boring, bland food. Have they ever heard of gravy or ketchup? ‘Yeah so will we go with the steak and chicken for main course, salad and prawns for starter and apple crumble and chocolate cake for dessert?’ she asked. ‘Yeah, sounds good’ I replied coldly. ‘Okay! Let’s go back to yours!’ she exclaimed. ‘Okay.’

On our way back I sent Rachael a text to warn her:

‘Hey Rachii, I’m on my way home, but Emma’s coming too. Just thought I’d warn you. Love you – Nath xx’

‘Yeah, okay babe. Thanks for warning me. I can’t wait to see you! Will she be staying long? We haven’t spent time together in a while and I need to talk to you! Love you lots – Rachii xx’

Seeing a reply from her was the best thing. It made me so happy. ‘Hey baby, I was thinking what if I Rachael was my bridesmaid? I want to be friends with her seeing as though I will be seeing her a lot when I move in with you after the wedding’ she suggested. ‘Yeah sure. I’ll say it to her later. Aw, thanks baby’ she smiled which made me cringe.

We got home to be greeted by smiles from Rachael and Jay. ‘Hey guys’ Rachael smiled winking at me when Emma wasn’t looking. ‘So tell us about this wedding’ Jay suggested pulling Rachael down on the couch. I sat down beside Emma, on the couch opposite Rachael as Emma explained what we had been up to. ‘I’ll go talk to Rachael’ I whispered in Emma’s ear and she just nodded. ‘Rachael, can I talk to you please?’ I asked. ‘Sure.’ I pulled her up the stairs, into our room and locked the door behind us. I kissed her passionately for five minutes before breaking the kiss to breath. ‘Boy, I’ve missed those kisses.’ She smiled.

‘Rachael, Emma wants you to be bridesmaid’ I told her pulling her on the bed. ‘Yeah, tell her I’ll do it’ she replied. ‘Okay’ I replied. ‘Nath, I need to talk to you’ she whispered. ‘Fire away’ I whispered back. ‘Nath, I’m pregnant with your baby.’ She whispered while smiling. I pulled her close and whispered, ‘that’s the best news I’ve ever heard.’


Wow! So Rachael's pregnant with Nath's baby, but he's marrying Emma! Not one of my best chapters if I'm to be honest!

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