Chapter 14 - Leaving

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‘Don’t they look cute.’ ‘They’d make beautiful babies together.’ ‘ I call godfather.’ ‘I’m okay with that because their first son will be called Max like me!’ ‘Sshh you’ll wake them and then none of you will be godfather to their first child.’ The sound of people chatting woke me from my wonderful dream. ‘ello’ I chirped. ‘Hello Rach, we didn’t mean to wake you’ Jayne apologised. ‘Its fine, we had plenty of sleep anyway.’ ‘Well, if lover boy had his way, you wouldn’t have had any sleep last night sis’ Jay joked.

Nathan’s hands was on by back holding me close to his chest, and his chin was rested on my shoulder. ‘We’re going to head out for a bit Rach, the guys are going to do some recording in the studio, make up for what they’ve missed over the last day, but we’ll be back a little later’ Jayne explained. ‘Can you ask Jay to pack some clothes for me? I’m going to stay with Nathan until he’s let out of hospital.’ I asked. ‘Sure thing, and it’s very sweet of you to stay here with him’ she smiled. ‘He’s been good to me over the last few days, so I’m going to repay him for his generosity.’ I replied. ‘That’s nice. We’ll see you soon’ she waved. ‘Oh and guys!’ I called. ‘We’re not calling our first son Max and Tom you’re not going to be godfather to our first child, Jay is!’ My comment brought a  chorus of sniggers around the room, before they all headed off to the studio.

‘Aw but babe, I like the name Max for our first son’ he pouted. ‘Oh sleeping beauty is awake!’ I smiled. ‘Yeah he returned the smile. ‘So you don’t like the name Max?’ he asked. ‘I do, I’m just not sure that I want to call my first son Max! Anyway, why are we talking about having children together when we’re not even dating properly yet?!’ I asked confused. ‘I don’t know actually, but the boys did bring it up! As a matter of interest, how many children do you want babe?’ he asked me. I thought about it long and hard for a few seconds. ‘4. I want 4 children with…. Nathan James Sykes’ I joked. ‘Really? I want 4 children with…. Rachael Alexis McGuiness if she’ll let me!’ he replied.

‘No Nathan you’ll have 5 children with…. Emma Louise Collins’ a voice interrupted. Why does she always come in and interrupt things? ‘Emma, what are you doing here?’ I asked. ‘No, the question is what are you doing cuddled up in bed with my boyfriend?’ she asked coldly. I had completely forgotten that I was still cuddled up to him. ‘I was taking care of him. Someone had to after being pushed down the stairs’ I spat back. ‘You know what Rachael, Nathan was right. All you are is an attention seeking little slut!’ she spat. The tears started flowing down my face. I looked up at Nathan with disgust. ‘Did you actually say that?’ I whispered looking up at him. He just shook his head. ‘He did say that, I should know I was there. ‘Nathan, how could you?’ I asked before storming out.

I kept running and running and running. Being hurt by Jack in the past upset me, but this upset me even more. I thought he loved me? I loved him. He told me his secrets, everything about him, I trusted him and he trusted me or so I thought. He played up to me and made up all these wonderful things about me, only for me to find out that it’s all a lie and he thinks that I’m ‘an attention seeking little slut.’  These had to be the worst 24 hours of my life. I buried my parents, found my best friend lying unconscious at the bottom of the stairs and soon after surviving an operation, learn that he thinks I’m a slut. 

I ran until I came to an emergency exit. I could hear Nathan calling my name. This felt like the day he tried to kiss me in Starbucks all over again. I sat down on the curb and began to cry heavily. ‘Rachael, you know that what she said isn’t true. I love you. I’d never say that about you. You know that don’t you?’ he asked sitting down beside me. ‘I don’t know Nathan? I don’t know what to believe. My head is a mess right now. I’ve just buried my parents. Then I found you like unconscious at the bottom of the stairs, then she drops that bombshell. Please, just please, tell me it’s not true.’ I cried. ‘Rachii, it’s not. I swear on my own life’ he cried pulling me in for  a hug. ‘Why are you crying Nath?’ I asked. ‘Emma gave me an ultimatum. She told me that she would stop hassling you and stop hurting me if I married her.’ He sobbed. ‘You said yes, didn’t you?’ I cried. He just nodded his head.

 ‘Nathan, please no.’ I sobbed. ‘Please say you’re lying?’ I cried even heavier. ‘Nathan, please no, don’t do this to me? I can’t take this. I thought you loved me? I thought you were going to leave her for me?’ I sobbed. ‘I was, but please just listen. I’m won’t go through with the wedding. I promise, I have a plan. I know for a fact that she won’t stop hurting me. If we can catch her in the action, then we can report her to the police and everything will be fine’ I explained. ‘No Nathan, you’ve said that before. You told me that you’d break up with her plenty of times before but that never happened. I’ve been hurt one too many times before and I’m not going to be hurt again’ I told him. I wiped my tears and took a deep breath.

‘Nathan, I love you, and I’ll always love you, but I’m sorry, I can’t stand by and get hurt in all of this. I’m sorry but I love you too much to stay. I’m leaving the country this evening and I’m not coming back. I need a break away from here, away from her, away from you. Who was I kidding telling you I was ready for another relationship when I obviously wasn’t. I need to go and let my heart heal for  a while. Nathan, please, just don’t forget me, okay? I sobbed rubbing his cheek, before making my way through the hospital, until I was stopped in the corridor. ‘Rachael’ he sobbed. I turned to face him, tears streaming down his face. ‘I love you, and I’ll never forget you no matter what.’

I waved goodbye and continued walking. I hopped in a taxi and made my way home. I ran upstairs and threw myself on my bed. ‘What are you doing you stupid cow? You just left the poor boy in a terrible situation. He’s marrying a woman who beats him up.’ I continued crying as I packed my bag. I picked up a pen and paper and began writing my note to Jay.

‘Jay, something’s come up. I’ve had to go visit a friend in Australia. Please, don’t try contacting me because I’m going to change my number when I move. Take care of yourself and I’ll see you when I see you. Rachael xx

Oh and P.S, please look after Nath for me and tell him that I love him very much and I always will.’

I threw the pen on my desk and picked up my suitcase. As I was walking out my bedroom door, I noticed that I hadn’t returned Nathan’s Utd strip. I picked it up and smelt it. It still smelt like Nathan. I opened my suitcase and threw it in so I’ll always have him with me. I pulled the case down the stairs and left the note by the phone. I called for a taxi and headed for the airport.

‘The start of my new life’ I declared as I emerged from the taxi. I headed straight for the ticket office and bought one ticket to Australia. I checked in my bags and waited in the lounge for the flight to be called. I was waiting ten minutes when an announcement confirmed that my flight was delayed two hours. ‘Great’ I thought. I sat waiting, glancing at my watch every ten seconds. Finally another announcement.

‘Would Rachael McGuiness please make herself known to security please, Rachael McGuiness.’ What would security want me for. I found the nearest security guard who guided me along a long tunnel. When we reached the end of it, we were faced with three men who had their backs to us. ‘Is this her?’ the security guard asked. ‘Yes, that’s definitely her’ answered a familiar voice. Nathan.

‘What are you two doing here?’ I asked Nathan and Jay who both sported the new on trend look of puffy, red eyes. ‘We came for you’ Nathan answered. ‘You can either say here with me and help me break free from the grip of my abusive ‘fiancé’ or move to Australia and be move on, marry some Aussie hunk and completely forget about me. Your choice’ he stated. I thought long and hard about it. Do I really want to stay here in rain old London, and watch my best friend, and sort of boyfriend get beaten up by his fiancé or do I move to sunny Australia and be happy for once? I knew what I was going to do. I turned around, the tears streaming down my face. I walked back down the tunnel the way we came. ‘Why I am doing this?’ I asked myself. Because I’m an idiot. 


I bawled my eyes out writing this chapter!:(

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We Can Make It Through The Stormy Weather ~ Nathan Sykes FanficOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz