Chapter 12 - Hospital Corridors, Waiting Rooms and Doctors

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‘NATHAN’I cried. I pulled out my phone and called for an ambulance. ‘Yeah ambulance please. It’s my um—‘I stuttered. ‘My friend, he’s fallen down the stairs I think.’ I presumed he had because that’s what it looked like. ‘He’s not moving’ I cried. ‘Don’t worry the ambulance will be there soon’ she reassured me. I took a deep breath before hanging up after giving the address of the house.

I tried to knock down the door but I was definitely not strong enough. I began crawling around the garden searching for a rock. Anyone that passed must have thought that I was mental, but I definitely wasn’t. When I found the biggest one, I threw it with all my strength through the window, then began breaking the rest of the glass with another rock. I hoisted myself up on the window sill, then climbed over.

I held him close in my arms. He was unconscious. He had a large, deep cut across his forehead which was bleeding profusely. I cried rocking him back and forth in my arms. I pulled out my phone and filled Jay in on what had happened, telling him to meet us at the hospital. ‘Nathan, please don’t leave me’ I cried. ‘You can’t leave me now. I love you. Please Nathan pull through.’ My cries began heavier and more urgent. It was then I noticed his hands.

He had fresh marks on his hands, but they weren’t like the marks on his stomach. They were burns. She did this. She did this to Nathan. It was all Emma. She beat him up, now she was burning him, what else has she done? Did she push him down the stairs too? I wouldn’t put this kind of thing past her. Why was she doing this? Why Nathan? He has never done anything to hurt her. She is going to pay for this, not only from me, but from the TWFanmily too. When they find out what she’s been doing, she’ll never see the light of day ever again.

I heard the sirens of the ambulance come closer until they were outside. ‘Nathan Sykes?’ the paramedic enquired. ‘Yeah, over here’ I told them. ‘Are you his friend?’ they asked lifting him up onto the stretcher. I nodded. 'Okay, you can come with him in the ambulance’ they told me guiding me towards the door.

 I sat there in the ambulance just staring at him. He face was pale and his fringe was now covering the cut on his forehead, which had stopped bleeding and had been bandaged up. His hand was cold, but soft. ‘We’re going to get him into theatre immediately to sort out that cut. We don’t know how deep it is yet.’ The doctor explained. ‘He is going to be okay though, isn’t he? ’I asked hopeful. ‘We don’t know yet. We’ll have to see how deep that cut is.’ he explained. He looked so peaceful and innocent. He didn’t deserve any of this.

I followed the doctors through the hospital until we came to the waiting room. ‘Boys!’ I called noticing they were all waiting. They had taken a few days off for the funeral. ‘What happened?’ Jay asked. I remembered that none of the boys knew what Emma was doing so I knew I couldn’t tell them anything except the fact that he had fallen down the stairs. ‘They’re going to operate straight away’ I sobbed into Tom’s arms.

‘So, what’s going on between you and Baby Nath?’ Tom whispered in my ear. ‘How do you mean?’ I asked looking him in the eye. I couldn’t let on about the kiss in the car, or the fact we had been sharing a bed for the last few days, or the fact that we were supposed to be going on a date the following night. ‘Jay told us that you’ve been wearing Nath’s Utd jersey to bed. Nathan never lets anyone wear his jersey’s and he also let slip that he had his hand on your thigh today.’ He explained. ‘Tom, there’s nothing going on between us, we’re just friends’ I told him. ‘Okay’ he winked.

We paced the halls for the remaining for hours. The only sound to be heard was the chime from the clock every hour. Every doctor that passed was watched with anticipation but we heard nothing. Tom and Max went on the hunt for a doctor with information for us, but they never found one. All I could think of was Nathan just lying there helpless at the bottom of the stairs. Jay turned on the television to break the silence.

Great, the main headline was ‘The Wanted heartthrob Nathan Sykes hospitalised after fall down stairs,’ but what was worse is that they even had footage of the paramedics carrying Nathan on the stretcher from the house to the ambulance. There I was crying my heart out. At the end of the report they even mentioned me, but not the way I would have hoped. ‘The sister of Nathan’s band mate Jay, Rachael, was seen leaving the house in tears. We told you earlier that Nathan and Rachael had been seen linking arms and looking rather happy in a nearby shopping centre. All we want to know is what will Nathan’s girlfriend Emma say when she sees this images.’

It broke my heart. She had obviously seen the footage of us together on the television before we arrived and that’s why she did it. They she push him down the stairs though? I felt Tom wrap his arms around my waist. ‘Don’t worry he’ll be okay. We know how you feel about him. We know how he feels about you. You two are perfect for each other and everyone can see that. He’ll pull through for you. You’re meant to be together’ he whispered in my ear.

Really? Was it that obvious? ‘Jay really wants you to get with Nathan. Nathan’s probably the only one he’d trust with you and that’s saying something. You know Jay never liked Jack, and he made that obvious to us. He tried to break you too up a few times, but it didn’t work. From the start of the band he’d tell Siva how much he wanted you and Nathan to be together. He started planning your wedding to him months back’ he explained.

I didn’t know whether that was Tom lying or telling the truth, but no matter what, I found it creepy. He tightened his grip on my waist. Oh how I wish that it was Nathan behind me. He pulled away after a few minutes and sat down next to Jay. ‘I need some fresh air’ I told everyone. ‘Do you want me to come’ Jay asked but I shook my head. ‘I just need to be alone’ I smiled.

I didn’t know where I was going, my legs were leading my brain. I kept walking and walking until I came to a dead end. I pushed the door and walked past all the doctors outside on their breaks. You would have thought that at this time of night they would be inside enjoying their break not outside freezing their balls off. I continued walking until I was of sight. I really needed to be alone. The memories of our last few days together started flooding back. It made me forget about what had happened until that turned up….


Not the best chapter if I'm to be honest with you, but I hope you all like it...

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