Chapter 5 - Starbucks

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'Who can you really trust, Who do you really know, Is there anybody out there ,Who can make you feel less alone, Some times you just can't make it on your own, If you need a place where you can run, If you need a shoulder to cry on, I'll always be your friend, When you need some shelter from the rain, When you need a healer for your pain, I will be there time and time again, When you need someone to love you, Here I am

If you have broken dreams, Just lay them all on me, I'll be the one who understands, So take my hand, If you reach emptyness, You know I'll do my best, To fill you up with all the love, That I can show someone, I promise you you'll never walk alone'

Leona Lewis, Here I Am (From her debut album Spirit)

‘Jay said that he won’t be back until later tonight. I’m going to have to tell management that he’s missing our interviews this afternoon’ Nathan explained as Rachael entered the kitchen. ‘I feel guilty that I’m not in Nottingham with him. They were my parents too. I shouldn’t just lounge around here, while Jay’s organising all the important stuff.’ She told him. ‘Rach, you just got out of hospital. You should be taking it easy. Jay understands and anyway, he doesn’t want you there. He doesn’t want to upset up.’ He explained. ‘Anyway Rach, remember, I’m taking you out for breakfast this morning! Starbucks okay?’ he asked. ‘Thanks Nath’ she smiled.

‘Now come on you lazy lump’ she giggled, linking arms with him as she closed the front door. They walked in silence for ten minutes until they reached Starbucks. Nathan was wearing a baseball cap so that he wouldn’t get noticed. ‘What can I get you guys?’ the waitress enquired. ‘The usual and a white hot chocolate for the lady please Emma’ Nathan replied. ‘Okay Nathan, any food?’ she asked. ‘Rachael would like pancakes please!’ he smiled. ‘Grab a table, I’ll bring everything over’ she replied.

‘Rachael, can I ask you a question’ Nathan broke the silence. ‘Well, you just did, but anyway you can ask a second one’ she smiled. ‘You can tell me to fuck off if it’s not my place, but what was all that about this morning when you asked if I undressed you and then you cried?’ he asked sipping his tea which had just arrived.

Rachael sighed and stirred her hot chocolate. She didn’t want to look him in the eye because she knew that he would see that she was crying. ‘Sorry, I shouldn’t have asked. Just forget about the whole thi-‘ he said, but he was cut off. ‘No. It’s okay. I’ll tell you. You deserve to know since you’ll be sharing a flat with me.

‘Up until about two years ago, I was doing well at school, I had a great social life, and best of all a great relationship with Jay. Then it all went downhill when Jay moved to London to be in the band. We didn’t get to speak as much as he was always too busy. I began self- harming to try and make myself forget about him, but it never worked. I’d stay in bed all day, and cry myself to sleep at night. About two months later, my parents took me to the doctor because mum thought it was too much. He referred me to a specialist where I was diagnosed with depression. I suppose I always had depression as a child, seeing as though I was always sick, with me having leukaemia and stuff, but Jay moving away, really made things worse. I began to see a psychiatrist, which made everything better for a while. I got my social life back, and that’s when I met him. Jack was the love of my life. He did everything for me, bought everything for me, brought me everywhere. I couldn’t go anywhere without him, he couldn’t go anywhere without me. We even moved in together. Then he began sneaking out during the night. He’d come home drunk and I could tell that he was high on drugs, but I could never tell what exactly he was taking. I had a fair idea he was taking cocaine, heroin and morphine, but I knew he had to be taking more. Then he began to get abusive. When I found out I was pregnant, he beat me up and told me that it wasn’t his baby and he called me a slag. I would never cheat on him. I ended up losing the baby, and he said it was the best thing that ever happened. The baby wasn’t planned, but I planned on bringing it up myself, because I was going to dump Jack and I vowed to love it no matter what, but it was all taken away from me. I stayed with him though. I was too afraid to leave him because I didn’t know what he could do. One night, when Jack was out, the police rang to say that he had been arrested. I had a part time job at the time, but he was using all the money to fund his addictions. I ended up using up all our savings to pay to bail him out and so I ended up moving back in with my parents. He used to come home drunk every night afterwards then force me into sleeping with him, which I vowed never to do when he was drunk. I couldn’t take it anymore, so one evening when he came home, I refused to sleep with him, so he beat me up and kept doing it until my parents came home from work. The doctors said that I’m lucky I’m still alive. I’ve never been able to look at another man in the same way since, well, that is until you came along Nathan.’ She explained.

Nathan was totally taken back by all this, that he even began to cry. Every time that Rachael visited he would make her life hell, but she always put up with him and did it back, putting on a brave face in the process. He never knew that she was going through all this at the time. ‘I’m sorry Rachael.’ Ne began to cry heavily. ‘Oh Nathan, there’s no need to cry’ she said wiping his tears. ‘Anyway, what do you need to be sorry for? It’s Jack that needs to apologise and anyway, he’s getting what was coming to him. He’s never going to get released from prison’ she explained. ‘I know but-‘ he replied. ‘No buts Nathan. Everything is fine now’ she smiled.

Nathan began to have stronger feelings for her. ‘Should I or shouldn’t I?’ he asked himself. But then he did it. He placed his lips on hers, before they began to move in sync. When they parted she kissed back, but then stormed out saying ‘I’m sorry Nath, I can’t do this.’ Nathan felt guilty. ‘You idiot Nathan. You always mess up when it comes to people you love’ he whispered before crying to himself.


Guys, I need to know if I should continue with their one or not?! Please leave your comments below or vote for it! I really appreciate everyone taking time to read this, it really does mean a lot to me, more than anyone would know. Sorry,  I was slow updating, I just wanted to make sure everything was worded right and I spent a lot of time thinking about this and my other Nathan Sykes fanfic Persoanl Soldier (which should be updated at least twice tomorrow), so anyways THANK YOU! :)

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Rachael! :) xx

Also, if you want to be included in this or Personal Soldier, please just let me know on either Wattpad, Twitter (@SexyNathSykes) or Tumblr (SexyNathSykes) and I'll do my best to get in contact with you and write you in my fanfic! ENJOY!! Love y'all lots like jelly tots! :) xx

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