Chapter 15 - Australia

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Contains some hot, streamy, yet graphic scenes that may cause stress. You have my warning, so if you’re under 16 you may ignore paragraph 5, because I don’t want to be responsible.

‘So were you really going to leave me for Australia?’ Nathan asked. ‘Honestly, yes. At the start it seemed like a good idea, because the events of the last few days have been a little over whelming to say the least, but then when I thought about it properly, it seemed like the wrong thing to do. I mean, I wasn’t being a great friend leaving you here alone to deal with Emma. Best friends stand by each other no matter what. I wouldn’t have been a best friend if I left would I?’ I asked. ‘But I would have understood if you left’ he explained. ‘Yeah, I know, but anyway, I’m staying here now, with you, so we can watch a movie and enjoy our first date’ I smile hopping in beside him in the hospital bed.

‘So the only reason you stayed is to watch the movie?’ he smirked. ‘YES!’ I stated obviously. ‘So, how did you know I was going to Australia?’ I asked. ‘You left Jay that note, and when he found it he called me. I begged the  nurses to let me leave for a few hours so they did, but they also rang the airport to have your flight delayed. That way, we had more time to convince you to come home to us’ he smiled. ‘Aw, you did that for me?’ I asked. ‘Yep! Because you’re worth it’ he winked. ‘Oh yeah, and Emma doesn’t know it yet, but we got her banned from visiting.  I mean, we don’t want her hanging around here, disturbing us on our week long first date do we?’ he asked playfully. ‘No Nathan, we don’t ‘ I nodded.

Yeah, that’s right! I stayed in London. You may be thinking why I walked back down the tunnel after making my mind up, but I did need to get my luggage back. I didn’t want Nath to kill me when he found out that his Utd kit was in Australia. It was a tough job trying to get it back. I literally had to get down on my hands and knees to get them to agree. Turns out the air hostess was a big fan of The Wanted, Jay in particular, and ended up taking my bags off the plane for a couple of pictures and an autograph.

Anyway, back to the first date. ‘So what movie are we watching Nathan?’ I asked. ‘Seeing Double, you know the S Club one’ he winked. ‘Really? I asked excitedly. ‘Really!’ he replied just as excited as me but I could tell it was all an act. We sat through the movie in silence, playing with each other’s hands. When the movie was over, I got the shock of my life. ‘Rachael, up for some sexytime?’ he asked. ‘Am’ I looked at him a little taken back. ‘Do you really want to have sex in a hospital bed?’ I asked a little unconvinced. ‘Yes! I had it in worst places. I lost my virginity on a golf course, I’d had sex with a girl in a tent, and there was even a rumour I did it with a porn star behind the curtains, so I all up for a hot steamy night in the hospital’ he winked.  ‘Why not?’ I asked hopping out of the bed. I closed the curtains and locked the door.

He walked towards me slowly before picking me up. He thrust me up against the wall and I felt his erection brush off the inside of his thigh. He slowly began unbuttoning my shirt knowing that the slower it took the more pleasurable it was. He slowly undid the buttons on my bra and stuffed it in his pocket. ‘It’s mine now’ he whispered seductively. He began kissing my neck and slowly began making his way down my chest until he came to my breasts and began sucking my nipples. He continued moving down my stomach and starting nibbling to insure I was left marked. With one swift movement my shorts were swinging around his hand. He slowly pulled down my knickers and began playing with my clit. He moved me closer and pushed me up against the wall again so that my legs were now around his waist. With one swift movement he was inside me. I felt a tingling feeling inside of my stomach. He began to thrust hard and fast. Damn this boy is good. ‘Nath, I’m about to’ I stated. ‘What a minute’ he replied covering my mouth. I began nibbling his shoulder to stop myself but I was all too much. I began to scream his name in delight. ‘NATHAN, FASTER’ I screamed. I felt a stream of fluid flow inside me. He continued thrusting hard and fast until he stopped and pulled it out. I held onto his shoulders and smiled up at him. ‘Damn, you are one lucky girl. I haven’t made out with my fiancé yet. For all I know Emma could still be a virgin.’ He laughed. ‘She probably is!’ I laughed back. I threw on my clothes again and hopped back in bed with Nathan who was dressed before me.

After a couple of minutes, the nurse came in with some good news. ‘Mr Sykes, it looks like you’re making a very speedy recovery, so we may just be able to let you go home now’ the nurse smiled. ‘Really?’ he asked excitedly. ‘Yes!’ she replied. ‘So I can go home right now?’ he asked for prove again. ‘Yes! I’m going to fill out your forms and then you are free to leave.’ She explained. When the nurse left, Nathan literally jumped around the room. ‘What if I said I didn’t want you tom come home?’ I asked coldly. ‘What?’ he asked. ‘You don’t want me to come home?’ he asked. ‘Nope. I’m happy just me and Jay’ I frowned. ‘Seriously?’ he asked again. ‘Yup.’ I nodded. His face dropped. ‘Okay Nathan, that was a joke.’ I laughed and ran over and kissed him. He let out a sigh of relief.

I packed his bag for him as he watched Match of the Day. ‘Men and their football’ I moaned. ‘You love me though’ he grinned. ‘I suppose I do!’ I replied. ‘Taxi is here’ the nurse informed us. We jumped in and made the short ten minute journey home. ‘Home sweet home’ Nathan declared walking in the front door. ‘Home sweet home.’



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