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1 day later:


finn: boo that sad moment when y/n is Home:(

Millie: Ikr. Makes me want some bleach.

Sadie: woah Millie^ try tide pods.

y/n: oh my lord Sadie. Really?

Jack: TiDE poDS!

jaeden: y/n come back.

finn: please^

Y/n: nah guys. Not after Wyatt beat me in Mario kart.

Wyatt; I have been summoned?

Jeremy; GO TO BED!

y/n: Jeremy is right, night guys. Way toooo late for my liking.

Sophia: night my dudes.

y/n: wait did I hear 20 pages of FINN WOLFHARD from Lined magazine??

Finn wolfhard: forget the gc name.

Finn has changed the group chat name to 'FINN IS A GOD'

Millie: You're doing amazing honey!

Jaeden: rip.

Jack: where did y:n go?

Finn: yeah, y/n you awake??

y/n: hey this is Riley, y/n fell asleep watching the firework festival that's going on rn.

Finn: where is she now?

Millie: #ship

Jack: no.^ be gone thot.

chosen: go to bed I stg.

Jaeden: #let(ship name) rise!

y/n: she's in the back of the car now. Haha

Finn: oh.

It started with you:) finn wolfhard x readerWhere stories live. Discover now