chapter 9

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Kuroko POV:

 we all woke up from early in the morning so we could meet with our principal of our school, about something that going to happen for a TV show coming up soon for parts in show we are going to act in.
"Hey kuro hurry up so we get there on time and here's an Apple said Sage as he handed me a apple to eat on the way to the building as we all went out the door one by one.
As everyone was seated, the principal came walking in and went to his chair to set down in it and faced us as he leaned back in his chair.

Principal pov :

Good to see you boy's on a fine morning as this one here but I am not here to talk about the weather. I'm here to discuss about the show you all going to play. Will you see boy's I plan to separate you guys ( "wait..what"! ) before you guys go to conclusions let me finish speaking first. Ok as I was saying you boy's will be separated from each other for the first time but you will be in pairs of only two person in each different shows. 
Here the list of pair of who goes with who let's start with Gray and Sage first, so those two will be performing in drama about  friend's growing up and saying good bye to each.
Second group will be having three in people in group and one's in that group is Yuki,Blake, and Ray as they will be working in a comedy show. The show they are going to work for is about a family life.
The last pair that will be working together is Kuroko and Jay. The show the two of you will be working on is a  supernatural and romance theme for the show. Let me tell you two that this show will not be easy as you think because the parts you two play is the main roles . Here are the scripts for each of you ( hand' s them the folders ).
Now that's done with you all then you  may leave now.


Kuroko pov :

As I looking though the folder so I can start learning my lines for show, and as I was looking though the script that I did not expect the main characters to do these things that I stopped reading it . After I stopped reading it I put the script on my desk near my bed so I could go to sleep but I couldn't not fall asleep because whenever I close my eyes I can only  think about what I have to act out with Jay that is so will be awarded for me to do.

New life (kuroko)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora