chapter 13

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this song is not mine  everyone knows that but ya so hope you like this chapter because  guys were most at the end of this story. and so for not up dating but i got stuck on what needs to happen but let me tell u guys that things are about to down soon in this story.

Third pov: 

Ever since kuroko  saw the news about the gom coming to his school since he never join the basketball  club, instead he and his friends came up with a plan to be involved in the game .    As the weeks and weekends pasted by quickly the Royal Seven have been training the basketball team and everyone in the team had bonded with the Royal Seven ever since they each had work with each to to get better and after that the the Royal Seven agreed to tell the team about kuroko ex teams and friend .  When the team found and the couch who was also their who heard what happen was not happy just like the team was because he knows how kuroko feels because he once had friends who just used him to win games  and so everyone agree they would take both ex-team and ex-friends down in the game.

skipping to Monday 

kuroko pov:

It was happening the gom are coming here today and will be staying at the dorms that the school arranged for them unit Wednesday.  I was pacing when the door open and in came sage , yuki, ray, jay, blake and gray who were here to tell me that it was time and the how they were finally here. Everyone made sure i feeling OK since we were suppose to welcome them to our school and to show them around since i kind been nominated for school council president  by the school and my friends too also joined with me so i took a deep breath and we head out to greet our guest.

As we walked to the entrance of the school , i was shocked to say that i was not expecting  for Mayuzumi to here , instead i just walked up to them and said hello and and greet them and all that stuff when i heard tow a hole make comments about our school and my friends. When me and my friends heard kigmai and amione talk trash about us  and our school we all felt ready to fight them or much worse from my other friends and the team caption and coach just ignore the comment from both kigmai and amione just orders us to show them their rooms they want to rest. my friends and i kept our cool but we all had dark auras around use and then Akashi made a comment to me abut Mayuzumi had been place as a player for the match  and  what not so he could bring me downs since I'm just  ignoring them and telling them about the school and other stuff. 

I was happy when we finished the tour of the school and showing them their rooms and the tour with them was not easy as they made side comments but we all ignored it making them angry but that was hell being nice to them after they  told us they wanted to see the school instead of going to their rooms and made us bring students out so they could carry their thing to their room! oh, i was ready to curse them out but i held it in because i now we will have our revenge on them . Me and my friends made our way to our rooms to relax and add more to our plan of revenge on them because they deserved it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2020 ⏰

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