1 By the way, nice doraffe

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"Ew, it's her again."

"She's so ugly."

"Even her parents don't want her"



"Hey loser! I know some people you can call for money, you just need to spend some time with them."

"I don't even think people like them would want to call someone like her."

The never-changing insults and cackling laughs surrounded me as I walked through the hallway to my classroom, the path seeming to never end.

Couldn't they at least make up something new. At least this was my final year here.

I tugged habitually on the sleeve of my jacket which covered the thin scar on my left wrist.

The one good thing about this school was the lack of uniforms.

Just then, a shoulder banged into mine and all the books in my hands fell to the ground.

"Oops." She didn't even apologize, her tone sacarstic.

"Nerdy freak." I heard her add on as she strutted off with her bunch of fake friends.

I adjusted my glasses with my head down before picking up the books and walking away.

Walking straight to the back of the class, I dropped my bag on the chair next to mine.

Perk of being me, I always have 2 whole seats to my myself.

They claim that I have germs. I mean, I can't actually find fault in that, everyone has bacteria on them, even the atmosphere is filled with it, at least that's what I told them. Maybe to them, I have more.

Plugging in my earphones, I pretended to listen to music although the play button was still a triangle and not 2 lines.

"Why must she be in our class?"

"Can she just leave?"

"Freak doesn't even have friends."


"Ugly ass nerd."

I looked down as I took out my stationery casually, acting like I wasn't affected but to be honest,

Who wouldn't be?

Still waiting on the day I get used to all this and stop feeling hurt. Even after years, I don't seem to be getting any closer.

Eventually, our English teacher walked in, a girl around our age trailing behind him and the class fell silent.

"Good morning class, before we officially start today, let me introduce our new student, let's give a warm welcome to Kait Dawson."

The girl beside our teacher smiled and did a half bow. She had long wavy brown hair, grinning eyes and a cheerful smile. Her friendly persona and slim figure instantaneously catching the eye of many of the boys.

Wolf whistles were heard as the boys cheered, but they were dismissed as she went to the empty seat in front of me.

"Now, I'll be giving out your group assignments. I have chosen your groups for you already and you will be working in groups of 2 or 3."

I sighed inwardly, it was just going to be another project where I did everything while the rest of my teammates took the free credit.

Another day in my life.

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