16 Fight me bish!

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"So what if I'm gay, it's fun." Connor shrugged, chuckling. I shook my head at him, rolling my eyes.

"Plus he was cute, it was nice to see his reaction." Connor joked, winking at me mischievously.

"But on a serious note though, I think he likes you." He stated seriously, looking at me.

"Me?" I scoffed incredulously. "No way ever." This must be another one of Connor's jokes.

"I agree, Claire did you see how crushed he looked when Connor said he was your boyfriend?" Elsa continued, supporting Connor.

"No that's impossible." I ended the topic, not wanting to continue.

"You guys want water? I'm gonna go get some." Connor raised his hand and Elsa nodded. I quickly got up and left the room.

As I was walking to the staircase, I realized that I forgot to ask them if they wanted any food. I was too lazy to walk down twice.

As I stood outside my room door, preparing to go back in, I heard the 2 of them conversing.

"I'm serious, I think he likes her." I could hear Connor insist.

"Yah, I think so to, but she'll never admit it, she only thinks the worst for herself." Elsa responded, I could even imagine her shaking her head sadly.

"Claire changed while I was gone, didn't she? She even got glasses." Connor's words shocked me and I could feel my hands start to shake.

"She did. Her parents never came back." At this point, tears were threatening to fall out.

I quickly walked away, not wanting to hear

In a daze, I moved towards the kitchen, grabbed 3 glasses and filled them up. Grabbing a few packs of random snacks and some chocolate too.

My mind was swirling with thoughts of my parents and even Luke.

He couldn't possibly like me, ever. Right?

Why did they just leave me like that? Was it my fault?

He's too good for me. I don't even like me.

They are doing this for me, not just for themselves right?

They all deserve better. Much better. Someone who isn't a coward.

I sighed inwardly, taking the glasses and bringing them back up to my room.

By the time I entered the room, their topic had changed to celebrities.

"He's the hottest, who's Jackson Wang even. I mean have you even looked at Shawn Mendes." Connor snapped at Elsa who just scoffed.

"Jackson is not only freakishly talented but is also multilingual. He can speak English, Mandarin, Korean, Shanghainese, Cantonese and freakin French. Can your boy do that?" She hair flipped, whacking Connor in the face.

"So what? Have you seen Shawn's Calvin Klein ad? Fight me bish!" He countered, shooing Elsa with his hand.

I chuckled, passing them each a glass of water. Ripping open a bag of chips, I sat back on my bed to watch them.

"Claire, you've always been fair and not blind unlike someone here. Who do you think is better?" Connor pulled me involuntarily into the conversation as Elsa rolled her eyes as him.

"I ain't getting into your fight." I shook my head and leaned back against my pillow, crunching on a chip.

"Just choose one." Elsa tugged on my arm and begged.

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