13 Little Lukey

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I woke up coughing, my head throbbing painfully. My throat parched and my whole body sweating. I pulled the covers tightly towards me, feeling oddly cold.

"Miss? Are you awake, you need to go to school." I heard Grace call out from the other side of the door.

"I'm not feeling well, I won't be going to school." I said before collapsing back onto my bed, willing the pain to leave.

"Miss Claire! Are you okay? Do you want me to call a doctor?" Grace had rushed in, a worried expression on her face as she reached forward to touch my forehead.

"You're burning, I'm going to go call the doctor." She hurriedly left the room before I could stop her, most likely going to find her husband.

I reached over to my phone, trying to switch it one but unable to. A red battery flashed on, urging me to charge my phone.

"Ugh low batt." I groaned, trying unsuccessfully to reach the cable. I stretched my hand further and almost fell off the bed.

I suddenly started coughing again and quickly brought my arm back.

"Robert's calling the doctor. Here's some panadol, have it first." Grace came back in, passing me the pills and a glass of water.

My hands shook as I grabbed the pills, dropped the pills in my mouth and drank a mouth of water.

Just as I passed the glass back to Grace, a wave of pain suddenly racked through my body. I brought my hands to my head, as I started thrashing about, hissing at the awful feeling.

The last thing I heard were the faint cries of Grace before I blacked out.


The annoying, endless beeping sound didn't help the headache I was having as I woke up. My throat was dry and I felt waves of fatigue wash over me. I was still feeling slightly cold and hissed as I shivered.

I opened my eyes to be met with white walls and a tv. The tv was switched on and was playing at a low volume with images flashing.

I was lying on a bed, tubes injected into my hands and a green robe covering me. The annoying sound came from the heart rate machine, meaninglessly telling me that I was still alive.

"Water." I croaked out as I coughed. My whole body shaking from it.

"Miss Claire!" Grace immediately pressed the button to call the doctor before grabbing a cup of water for me.

I downed the glass, the water soothing my hurting throat momentarily before it returned to its original state.

A guy in white robes, wearing a tag and cropped black hair walked in, trailed by another girl in white.

"Miss Ruiz, I'm Doctor Howard. Just to check, can you please tell me your full name, age and birthday." The doctor said as he conducted some basic physical checks.

"Claire Emelia Ruiz, 18 this year, July 8th." I answered as he nodded.

"How are you feeling?" He asked again before after noting down some things.

"I'm just feeling really tired, have a headache, am weirdly cold and my throat hurts." I answered truthfully.

"How long was I out for?" I asked as I sipped a second cup of water.

"A day." The reply didn't really shock me but I was more concerned about the fact that I had missed an entire day of school. Ann was definitely going to use that against me.

"You had a very bad fever, throat inflammation and dehydration. I've put you on an IV drip and prescribed some medicines. You will be monitored in the hospital for a day or two, depending on your condition before being discharged. Your parents have been notified and your ward will be open to visitors tomorrow." The doctor concluded before writing some things on his notebook and leaving.

The nurse made some minor adjustments and checked my temperature before making her way out too.

"My parents are coming?" I asked impatiently, the second the door shut. I grabbed Grace's hand almost like I was begging.

Maybe at least one good thing could come out of this.

The apologetic look that dawned upon Grace's face was enough of an answer as I released my grip and sunk down into my bed.

"I'm sorry dear." Grace apologized knowing how much I was hoping.

False hope as usual. I was used to it anyway.

The last time I almost died and they didn't bother to come back. Why would they come back now just because I was sick.

They'd probably just give me a call, chiding me for not taking care of myself.

If I was lucky.

I sighed, why did I even bother. I'm already used to being alone.

-Kait's POV-

"Kait! Did Claire text you back?" Luke rushed over to me, grabbing my shoulder.

I visibly flinched, almost dropping my phone.

"You scared the crap out of me but no. Why?" I checked my phone again for notifications before answering.

"I don't know. I'm afraid Ann will take this chance to bully her. Mark just texted me, he didn't go to school today." Luke combed his hand through his hair as he furiously dialed Claire's number.

"I forgot all about Ann but I'm sure she's fine. Maybe her phone just ran out of battery. Anyways, we're going back tomorrow." I reassured even though I was starting to feel a bit worried too.

Luke seemed to calm down a bit but still remained pacing around the room.

"Why are you so worried, Little Lukey has a little crush on Clairy?" I teased, anticipating his eye roll and the casual flick of his hand. Yet, his reaction surprised me as he stilled before waving me off and huffing.

"I was just worried, we're friends after all, its normal to worry." He coughed as he covered up what seemed to be his blush and walked out.

"That was so weird." I murmured to myself, confused about Luke's behavior. I shrugged it off, going back to watching my video.

 I shrugged it off, going back to watching my video

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