9 Her brother or her boyfriend?

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"Look out!"

I turned around to see Luke as he flew across my vision, taking the hit, like the main character would in a movie.

I whipped my gun out and shot him, the same guy I didn't manage to take down.

He smiled at me, doing a dramatic bow.

I picked up the flag, ran over to the base and chucked it in.

We won!

We gathered back at the room where we stripped off our gear and chatted.

"Hey love, that was a great shot, I'm Kyler." I turned around and met a pair of green eyes. The same ones that belonged to the guy who bowed at me when he lost.

His hand was extended towards me and I took it.

"Claire." I smiled as I awkwardly bit my lip.

He was cute.

Chestnut brown hair that had definitely been brushed back way too many times. Twinkling green eyes and an athlete's figure.

"You're the first person to ever beat Mr. Paintball Genius here." I looked over to see the dude that smirked at me. Black curly hair with green eyes that shone with amusement.

I blushed, not knowing how to reply.

"I'm Darryl." He introduced himself as another round of introductions took place.

Turns out they were regular paint ballers and the other 6 of their teammates just happened to be grouped with them.

"Wanna hang together? The 8 of us are going out for dinner and we just happen to need 2 more guys." Mark suggested as he did a bro hug with the 2 of them.

Kyler accepted the offer and we walked out together in a group of 10. The 4 of us had already planned beforehand to eat dinner together so we did that, just with an additional 6 people we met along the way.

As we walked, I hung back with Luke.

"Thanks for just now." I thanked, chewing on my bottom lip as I rubbed my nape. My cheeks flushing.

"I said I would protect you." My cheeks darkened as my heart raced against my chest.

"Babe." He said as he grinned, spoiling the moment.

"Shit head." I said, punching his shoulder while rolling my eyes but I just couldn't hide the crazy grin spreading over my face.

As we entered the Italian restaurant and sat down, I flipped through the menu, letting my eyes land on the lasagna.

"So what will you guys be having?" The waiter's chirpy voice broke my train of thoughts.

"I'm having the beef lasagna! Hey!" Two voices shouted, none of the voices mine.

"I want one too." This time I spoke, together with Zeia who just smiled shyly at me.

"4 lasagnas please! Hey! Stop copying me!" Luke and Kyler exclaimed together, again.

"You! I said it first!"

"No! You're copying me!"

"Stop copying me!"

Their childish fight continued as the waiter carried on taking the orders of everyone else who decided to just ignore them.

"Hey! Stop!" I broke their immature argument as it got slightly heated. They huffed but stopped reluctantly, both making it obvious that they could and would continue this if I hadn't stepped in.

"You like lasagnas too?" Kyler smiled at me.

"I-" "Dude, are you stupid, why would she order it if she didn't?" I was interrupted by Luke who just rolled his eyes at Kyler.

"I was asking her, who are you? Her brother or her boyfriend?" Kyler exclaimed frustratedly.

Luke froze up as he took in the words, not knowing how to reply.

"I- " "That's what I thought. You're nothing to her." Luke's hesitation wasn't missed and Kyler picked on it immediately.

The tension between the 2 was so thick, I could put a knife through it.

"Hey guys! Stop it!" Mark and Darryl broke up the 2 idiots who looked seconds away from punching each other in the face.

"What's wrong with the 2 of you? You guys sound like jealous, childish idiots." I ground my teeth together, annoyed to the extent that I wanted to bash their heads together.

"He started it!" I deadpanned, as they both glared at each other before looking at me sheepishly.

"Hey! Do you guys know I'm so good at sleeping. I can do it with my eyes closed." Darryl joked.

His pun was so terrible it sent everyone into a weird, sacarstic laughter, changing the atmosphere immediately as the tension dissolved.

After that, the boys broke into a pun battle as they food came.

"Can you pasta (pass the) tomato sauce over?" Kyler pointed as Zeia rolled her eyes, literally taking the bottle and throwing it at him.

"Waiter! Hey! He just ignored me, like he just walked straight pasta (past us)." I'm pretty sure my eyes are going to be at the back of my head by the end of today.

"You deserved it." I was so close to growling at Luke. These bunch of idiots.

"But the pasta puns are so good they have me ravioling (rolling) all over the floor." Mark inserted as all the boys started cackling, even Ethan was trying to control himself to not betray Tricia.


"Oh, then you should go help the restaurant clean their floor, I'm sure they'll appreciate it and that jacket, would totally fit a new design." Kait roasted him and I high fived her.

"Boys will always be boys. Childish, insane, irritating, idiotic animals." Jennifer snickered jokingly.

"Girls will always be girls. Immature, difficult, high maintenance, weak creatures." Darryl murmured in reply.

"Idiotic animals?"

"Weak creatures?"

It was on, girls vs boys.

"You call us immature and difficult. Did you not just fight over nothing? And your mood just swung 180 degrees in like 3 seconds." Zeia bit back smartly.

All 5 of us girls did a hair flip in unison as we winked at them.

"Insane, irritating, how about when you guys are on your period?" Kyler chuckled.

"Yeah man!" They hollered.

"Low blow dudes, we're the ones who suffer during menstruation and pregnancy and not only do you not appreciate us, you use it against us. I'm so disappointed." I shook my head at them, wiping a fake tear off my cheek.

We ended with the girls winning cause girls rule. After that, we each left our separate ways for the night.

 After that, we each left our separate ways for the night

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