14 I'm back, girl

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Straightening myself, I moved my legs off the hospital bed and slid off. Taking the stack of clothes Grace had placed at the foot of my bed, I walked to the toilet to change. Grace had gone to fill in the form so I could get discharged.

The hospital ward was back to its original state, the television switched off, monitor screens black and the bed set. The silence was almost eerie.

For the past few days, I had Robert and Grace's constant accompaniment, several phone and skype calls from Elsa and the one phone call I got from my parents, chiding me for not taking care of myself.

After changing into a hoodie and tights, I sat back down on the plastic chair beside my bed and scrolled through my phone while waiting.

I unlocked it, looking through the messages from Kait and Luke once again.

OMG, I forgot to tell you.'

'I feel so bad omg.'

'My parents had to go out of the country for some business thing and they pulled my bro and I along. I feel so bad. I forgot to tell you. I'm so sorry. We'll be away for a few days. I'm so sorry.'


'Oh, you're probably asleep now, I'm so sorry.'

'I'll text you tomorrow, good night.'


'I heard from Kait that she forgot to text you. I forgot too. I'm really sorry.'

'Umm. Are you ok?'

'I mean like I'


'You're probably asleep. I hope you have a good night.'

'Sweet dreams.'

'Hope you're okay. See you soon.'

'Sorry again.'

'Take care.'

That was from the day I had fainted after being bullied. They had sent messages again for the next couple of days but I ignored them.

It didn't really have anything to do with them but was instead because of my inability to get over the feelings of abandonment that had resurfaced that day.

"We can leave now if you're ready Miss Claire." Grace walked in, picking the duffel bag off the sofa. I nodded, walking out of the room with her.

As I stepped out of the hospital, a gush of wind hit me, I raised my eyes to see the gloomy skies. The clouds were grey, looking as if about to cry. The thunder loud and threatening and the flashes of lightning warning.

A familiar Bentley rode up to the platform just as the first drops started to fall. I got into the backseat, Grace settling into the passenger seat beside her husband.

As the car engine started I laid my head on the window, looking as the droplets grew in size and splashed against the glass windows. The rain formed streaks that threw themselves at car windows and fell onto the different umbrellas opened to catch them.

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