19 The wall pushed me

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"I'm so freaking awesome, like look at me, she's ain't got nothing on me!" Connor twirled around before blowing a kiss at me.

"Did you watch some drama again or something?" I shook my head in mock disappointment as we walked into the school.

Ignoring the people around us, Connor continued trying to dance ballet and nearly ripping his jeans. Note the word choice.

"I was watching Strong Woman Do Bong Soon yesterday because as a good friend, I should try what my friends like. I mean I'm such a great friend." Connor emphasized the last sentence, flipping his imaginary hair at me.

"You finally watched it! Isn't it good! Isn't it good!" I started bouncing up and down as I hit him on the shoulder.

Strong Woman Do Bong Soon is one of my all time favorite Korean dramas that I've been constantly pestering Connor to watch.

Like I watch it for the amazing plot, Park Hyung Sik. Duh.

He chuckled at me, wrapping one arm around my shoulder as he hummed.

"What if Park Hyung Sik is secretly gay?" He smirked at me, winking.

I shook my head hurriedly, almost getting a headache in the process.

"He's straight, I ship them so much in real life, I don't care." I said persistently, pursing my lips together and crossing my arms to prove my point.

"Whatever, we'll never know anyways." He shrugged as we reached our lockers.

"What the f*ck!" Connor sweared as he took in the sight of my locker.

I stood there stunned, the sight of my locker drenched fully in iced coffee was overwhelming.

The word b*tch in red spray paint didn't help either.

Everything inside was wet and covered in coffee and there were even ice cubes floating about.

I picked up the note that sat there above the huge mess.

'You will regret what you did.' -Ann

I sighed, slowly trying to pick out things that I could salvage.

"The audacity! Who the hell does she think she is?" Connor was fuming, his fists clenched and cheeks flushed.

"Don't, at least it's not that bad this time." I muttered, holding Connor back from whatever he was trying to do.

"This time?" He seemed to get even madder, his veins popping out of his neck.

"Stop, it's fine, I'm used to it." I shook my head, at least it was just my locker and not on me, coffee's better than slime. Anything's better than slime, I had to shower twice to get it all out of my hair.

"Who is she to even do this to you? I hate that stupid promise you made with that idiot." My eyebrows furrowed and I sighed. Connor was one of the only people who knew of the deal. 

"I mean at least coffee smells nice right." I shrugged. Since it was the beginning of the school day, most things were still in my bag so nothing important was dirtied.

I tried to remain positive as Connor continued to mutter curse words beside me.

"Hey friend 1 and frien- what happened?" Luke, Kait and Mark walked over to us, their cheerful expressions instantaneously changing into frowns as they took in the sight of my locker.

"Was it that b*tch?" Luke immediately swore, his eyes flashing with fury as he registered the entirety of the mess.

"Of course not, it was a person." Connor replied, his tone dripping with sacarsm.

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