February 10, 2015

926 37 0

Dear Friend,

Well, Valentine's Day is coming up and I'm sad I won't be able to spend it with Lauren. You see, she has this college visit at The University of Alabama. Lauren said that a softball recruiter from the school has seen her softball tapes from the previous years she's played and he seems to be very impressed.

"I'm not officially going," Lauren protested. "They still need to see me play this year and that's when they'll decide if they want to give me a full ride."

"Oh please, Lauren," Normani started. "They definitely want you to play for them. I mean, the recruiter guy has contacted you every year since we were freshmen. It's just a matter of time now before he gives you the scholarship."

"Even if they don't give her the scholarship, Lo already got full ride offers from Georgia State University and Florida State University," Ally interceded, recalling from the previous conversation we all had about college.

I'm really happy for Lauren. Whenever we talk about our plans for the future, she's always been so ecstatic to tell me about playing softball in college. Once, she told me a story about how when she was a little girl, her dad took her and her siblings to a Tampa Bay Rays baseball game. She told me how she was very into the game and it was the last inning when her brother, Chris, started acting up and wanted to go home. Her dad tried to calm Chris down, but he wouldn't listen and was being the four-year-old that he was and threw a fit. Well, Lauren ended up punching Chris square in the face which caused the boy to blackout for a few minutes. Due to what Lauren did, her dad never took her to another baseball game again until she was 13. I thought the story was pretty hilarious considering that now, Lauren wouldn't even hurt a fly. Plus, Chris is much bigger than Lauren now and could definitely defend himself against Lauren. It's funny how people change over time.

Yours, Truly

Yours Truly, Camila (Camren Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now