2:44 am - 180129

110 0 0

Your laptop let out a beep with the notification that you've logged into a chatroom. You narrowed your eyes at how bright the screen was in your dark room. You lowered the brightness setting on your laptop before typing out a greeting to the only other person in the chatroom this early in the morning.

meplus and mr kookie are online.

"'Mr Kookie'?" 

What a cute name, even if the poor kid spelled 'cookie' wrong.

mr kookie: hey

meplus: u should be sleeping

mr kookie: i could say the same thing to u

meplus: i can cut class
                  no biggie

mr kookie: ha
                         that's irresponsible of u

meplus: says the guy who's also awake at like 3 am

mr kookie: haha
                        u caught me ;)

meplus: i've been told i'm great to fall for
                   hehehe ;)
                   don't u have class later too

mr kookie: yea
                        was just about to go to bed

meplus: going on here before going to bed is a bad idea

mr kookie: not really
                        u just reminded to me sleep

meplus: cos i never take my own advice lol
                   so it always helps to see others take it

mr kookie: i'm the same way
                        it was nice talking to u

meplus: goodnight ;)

You watched as the little green light beside his name turn black, and you knew he must've logged off. Surprisingly, there were a bunch more chatrooms were open, even at this time. You were tempted to chat with just one more person before going to sleep.

You scrolled through the open chatrooms, looking for someone else to chat with. There wasn't any chatroom that only had one other person in it. You turned to look at the clock, yawning before you could catch even a glimpse of the dull red numbers.

Since there's hardly anyone else you'd like to chat with, you decided to log off too. It was getting late anyway. You readjusted your pillows and put your laptop on the nightstand, before going to sleep.

Internet Love Affair (JJK Valentine's Day Special)Where stories live. Discover now