4:41 pm - 180206

28 1 0

School ended early today, so you decided to take advantage of it to go and buy some chocolates. You did promise Jungkook, after all. Once you had the chocolates, you could ask him which high school he went to. 

You went to the shopping centre with your friend, who was only too excited to be following you. With all her questions, you almost regretted telling her where you were going. Almost.

"I can't believe you wanna buy chocolate for a guy other than your dad and brother and Ye-jun! How cute! Fancy chocolate too."

"So-yeon, it's not that exciting."

"Is too! Who is he? Your boyfriend?"


"Aw, you can tell me, you know! Has he met your brother?"

You shrugged, exiting the subway station and entering the shopping centre. As So-yeon had so kindly pointed out before the two of you left school, it was pretty packed for a weekday afternoon just as she predicted. The Valentine's Day promotions were everywhere.

How unfortunate.

You should've gone out to buy Jungkook chocolates sooner.

"So you have any specific shop you wanna go to?"

"I just wanna buy chocolate that's fancy."

"You must like him a lot since you're planning to buy something expensive."

"I want him to be able to brag about it, that's all."

"Cute! Anyway, I'm meeting my boyfriend over at the cafe. You wanna come with?"

"Not now. Maybe when I've found something, I'll come join you for dinner."

So-yeon waved as she ran off, and you watched her go. 

You found the shopping centre directory and looked over all the stores. Something fancy, something fancy, something fancy... A famous chocolate brand caught your eye and you immediately went to find the store.


You huffed a little at the sheer number of girls the store attracted for Valentine's Day, but you steeled yourself and made your way into the crowd. You did promise Jungkook, after all.

Jungkook said that he didn't have much of a sweet tooth but he'd eat chocolate if someone gave it to him. Hmm, so maybe chocolate that was a little more bittersweet?

You tried your best to take a look at all the store had to offer, dodging hordes of girls rushing around and older ladies comparing prices. 

What was that?

Chocolate-coated potato chips?! That sounded perfect. 

You quickly made your way over and snatched a bag, seeing how chocolate-covered potato chips was apparently a popular choice for Valentines's Day. You stood in the long, long line leading up to the cashier and waited.

meplus and mr kookie are online.

meplus: hi grand-oppa

mr kookie: hey, y/n

meplus: i'm surprised to see u online
                  don't u have practice today

mr kookie: yea, but coach is sick today
                        running some drills but i'm on break now

meplus: how's it like over there
                   with a bunch of sweaty badminton boys ;)

mr kookie: haha
                         but it's still cold outside so it's not too bad today

meplus: yes it's nice when it's cold
                  but do u have a spare change of clothes

mr kookie: yea, i always do 

meplus: try not to get sick so close to valentine's day
                   i don't want to wait outside ur school for someone who's absent ;)

mr kookie: u're really serious about it

meplus: yesssss
                   in fact i'm out right now getting your fancy chocolates

mr kookie: how's the crowd?

meplus: crowded hehehe

mr kookie: stay safe out there

meplus: yes grand-oppa ;)

mr kookie: i mean it
                        sometimes there are creepy ahjussis on the loose

meplus: don't worry
                   i think i can handle a few stares from those who stare at all the girls
                   plus i think i can throw a good punch

mr kookie: ah, that sounds dangerous
                         don't overdo it, okay?

meplus: i won'ttttt
                  u worry too much
                  i can handle myself ;)

mr kookie: hmm, text me when u get home safe

meplus: grand-oppa is getting too worked up about it
                   i'm just out shopping like a normal girl

mr kookie: there has been news about a few indecent ahjussis in the shopping district
                         i just don't want anything to happen to u
                         u probably won't be out there if it's not for the chocolates, right?

meplus: i would've been third-wheeling my friend and her boyfriend
                  so it's not on u
                  i appreciate ur concern
                  but i'll be fine
                  gramps didn't raise a fool hehehe ;)

mr kookie: good to hear
                         but still, text me when you get home safe

meplus: will do grand-oppa
                   talk to u later
                   i'm up next

mr kookie: talk to u later

meplus: goodbyeeeee

Internet Love Affair (JJK Valentine's Day Special)Where stories live. Discover now