6:23 pm - 180209

32 2 0

It was a Friday evening and you found yourself at a crowded all-you-can-eat barbecue joint near the shopping district with So-yeon, her boyfriend and a bunch of other people you didn't recognise. Come along, she said. Don't be a spoilsport, she said. It'll be fun, she said.

It was not fun.

You flipped a piece of meat on the grill glumly, head resting on your hand. So-yeon swatted at the elbow you had on the table.

"C'mon, lighten up! This is supposed to be fun."

"Well, I'm not having fun. There are too many strangers at the table with me and the grill isn't cooking my meat fast enough."

So-yeon shushed you.

"If you didn't wanna be at a mixer, you could've gone home."

"You didn't let me go home."

"If you really wanted to go home, you would've."

Good point. 

You flipped the meat over again to check if it was cooked on both sides. You wrapped the meat up in a cabbage leaf and popped it in your mouth. At least the meat was good for the price you were paying for it.

"What's going on with you?"

"One of my internet friends is being weird with me, that's all."

To your annoyance, So-yeon laughed. You harrumphed.

"Then just tell them they're being weird and you don't like it? C'mon, this isn't like you."

You agreed into a second piece of meat rolled in cabbage. One of the guys So-yeon's boyfriend brought along noticed you trying to stuff the food in your mouth and he looked away quickly, as if he'd just seen something embarrassing.

Maybe you were being embarrassing by sadly shoving meat and leaves in your mouth.

"Just talk to them. And be honest. They'll appreciate it, so don't worry anymore, okay?"

You just hummed in agreement, turning over the meat cooking on the grill.

You just continued on in silence, smiling a little as all the guys at the table introduced themselves. None of them were very interesting. One of the guys liked the same film director that you did, but it was that guy who didn't want to look at you after watching you eat like a brute.

You carried on grilling meat and eating it until eventually you were too full to eat anymore.

It was already past 8 pm.

You nudged So-yeon.

"Can I go home now?"

"Mm, we were just going to leave too. Let's go pay so we all can go."

You paid for your meal and waved So-yeon and her boyfriend off. With a sigh of relief, you walked off in the opposite direction from everyone else - apparently So-yeon lied and they were all going for karaoke after dinner.

Since it was already quite late, you found yourself a seat on the subway ride home.


mr kookie to meplus:
y/n, i haven't figured out what i was trying to say yesterday
i need more time to think
also, i didn't mean to make it weird for u
i'm also confused right now so don't mind me
i'll figure it out
then let's talk, okay?
just give more time

meplus to mr kookie:
take all the time u need, jungkook oppa
i know u like to keep things to urself but please promise me that u'll be honest with me

You huffed and put your phone away.

The ride home somehow felt way longer and way lonelier than you remembered it.

Internet Love Affair (JJK Valentine's Day Special)Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu