4:43 pm - 180213

32 3 0

"So you got a date for tomorrow or what?"


So-yeon quickly added, "tomorrow's Valentines's, you know" when you didn't reply immediately.

Oh, Valentine's Day!

She took in the way your face changed as the realisation dawned on you, and she smirked when you smiled without thinking about it. So-yeon nudged you with her elbow playfully, whistling.


"Stop that."

"So you do have a date."

You groaned.

You haven't told anyone yet. 

You groaned again when So-yeon leaned in too close for comfort, the way she did when you knew she wouldn't move till she got what she wanted. Usually, you admired her persistence. Not today.

"So-yeon, no," you snapped, when she tickled your sides when you just stared at her expectant face.

She put her hands up in surrender when you let out a loud "oi" that literally everyone on the subway platform heard.

"Tell me. C'mon."

"It's complicated, okay?"

When So-yeon suddenly perked up at your response, you knew it was a mistake. You also knew that there definitely was no way for you escape her until she got all her answers.

You rubbed your temples with a groan, and So-yeon was back to invading your personal space.

"Tell me!"

"I just told you. It's complicated."

"What's complicated exactly? Do you not know how he feels or what?"

"I know."

"Then what's so complicated? He doesn't know that you like him back?"

"He knows."

"Then you're literally making no sense right now. It's not complicated when you guys like each other!"

"It is complicated, okay?"

"What's complicated?"

You motioned for her to come closer in the crowded subway station. She was more than happy to comply, leaning in close enough that the tip of your nose was barely grazing the stray hairs of her bangs.

"I... met him online."


So-yeon's outburst caught the disapproving glares of all the other commuters on the subway. You shushed her loudly, hoping it would appease them and make them turn their attention elsewhere.

"So you met your boyfriend on that chat site you like?" So-yeon attempted a whisper, her breath warm on your ear from how close she was standing.

"Yes, basically."

"Omo," she squealed. "No wonder you're always on that site. I would be too, if my boyfriend was on there."

"No, So-yeon. This is a recent... development. It's not like that, okay?"

The look on her face said it all.

You turned away to avoid her gaze and busied yourself with changing the brightness setting on your phone. So-yeon nudged you with her elbow again, that stupid smirk on her face. You turned away even more, until So-yeon looked like a creep who had her elbow on your back.

"I can't believe you have a boyfriend and that you met him online! When did you guys start dating?"

You didn't want to answer. But, knowing her, she might invite herself over for dinner at your place and you didn't want her to slip up in front of your family.

Internet Love Affair (JJK Valentine's Day Special)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ