5:13 pm - 180214

44 1 2

Coach was merciful today, and you were grateful. 

Somehow everyone else knew that you had a date for Valentine's Day, and so they all let you hit the showers first. It was weird that they all knew, but you did appreciate being the first one in and out of the shower. It got even weirder when the senior girls in the track and field team started commenting on your outfit.

"Does he like cute or sexy better?"

You shrugged. You didn't know better, so you just took whatever was comfortable and warm enough for the February cold.

"At least wear some makeup."

"If you make me put on lipstick, I'll look like a clown," you said, pulling your jeans up over your long johns.

"Then we'll put it on for you!"

"Doesn't makeup have to match your face? You're not even the same colour as me."

The senior girls waved off your concerns and began to surround you. You continued getting dressed as if it wasn't anything out of the ordinary, with great effort to maintain your neutral face.

You layered on some moisturiser and some BB cream, and began packing up your things to leave. One of the senior girls put a lipstick in your hand and smiled, "just in case you decide you want it after all."

It was a shockingly bright shade of red.

You imagined the colour on your lips and you shuddered. You really would look like a clown.

You passed the lipstick back with the lame excuse of that particular shade of red "not being your colour" and hoped it'd make the senior girls leave you alone. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough. Turns out everyone else in the track and field team has been waiting for you to get with a boy, and today was the day they've been waiting for.

It was the weirdest thing to know that the people around you were way more excited about your new relationship than you were, and you were the one who was actually in that new relationship.

Another senior placed a lipstick in your hand. It was a more muted colour, only a few shades darker than the natural pinkish shade of your lips.

"This good with you?"

You nodded, staring at the lipstick.

"Let me put it on for you before you go."

You nodded again, just to sate the seniors for their support. At least there were people other than So-yeon who approved of Jungkook, even if they didn't know it was him.

The seniors cooed over you, saying things like "how pretty". You just passed it off as them being excited and it being Valentine's Day. It was just lipstick. How much could it change the way you looked?

You slung your bags over your shoulders and waved goodbye to other girls in the locker room. Some of the senior boys were training with coach, so you shouted goodbye to them as you left the training ground.

5:37 pm.

You walked a little quicker, and ran to catch the incoming train to the station right outside Jungkook's school. You moved in to make room for the other commuters and caught sight of your reflection in the window.

This lipstick wasn't bad on you. 

You made a mental note to ask the senior about it so you could get one for yourself. 

The train moved along. You kept checking the time just to distract your suddenly anxious heart from the incessant thought that you were going to a date, a date, a date.

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