8:24 pm - 180131

40 1 0

You sat in the tub, belly full of food and body aching from running. Steam rose from the water. The heat from the water seeped into your body and soothed your muscles. You could feel the tiredness flowing out of you as you reclined as much as you could in the tub.

You got out of the tub the fourth time your brother came to demand it of you. This time Mom was with him outside the bathroom, so you had to quickly rinse and dry yourself off. You left the bathroom wrapped in a bathrobe, and you stuck your tongue out at your brother.

"You brat, you hogged the tub for like an hour!"

"No, I didn't. I swear I was only in there for 20 minutes. 30 minutes max."

Your brother pointed at the clock in the hallway. 9:09 pm. 


"You could've just taken a bath upstairs."

"There's no tub upstairs, brat," he said as he disappeared into the bathroom.

You made your way upstairs to your room and got dressed. You saw the stuff you left on your desk and groaned. Homework. You quickly flipped through all of it to check when the due date was. 

None of them were due tomorrow.

With a victory pose, you flopped down on your bed with your laptop. Your laptop beeped.


mr kookie to meplus:
i took my vitamins and medicine today and i feel much better, child. u r very good at taking care of gramps. gramps is sure u will be a good wife one day. ;)

You laughed so hard you snorted a little. Ah, that's the first time anyone's ever said you'd make a good wife. Decent wife to a regular salaryman was the best thing you'd heard. It always did make you feel a little sour that even Mom and Dad didn't think you could be a good wife.

Well, at least there was him.

meplus is online.

You scrolled through your friend list.

meplus and mr kookie are online.

meplus: hi gramps ;)

mr kookie: hey, child

meplus: how u feeling

mr kookie: better
                        my mom got me antibiotics
                        they worked really well

meplus: that's greattttt

mr kookie: i asked my coach about ur brother
                        min-jun hyung, right?

meplus: yes
                  what he say

mr kookie: that his daughter has a crush on him

meplus: OMG STOP

mr kookie: i'm serious!
                        apparently, she wanted him to go coach the team at min-jun hyung's school

meplus: how old is that kid anyway

mr kookie: she's a freshman
                        how did u know she was a kid anyway?

meplus: i can only remember being that crazy when i was younger

mr kookie: u wound me, child
                        only gramps should be saying that ;)

meplus: hehehe
                   what's her name tho
                   i might know her

mr kookie: do u like keep track of ur brother's fans or something?

meplus: ;)
                  something like that

mr kookie: why tho?

meplus: cos it could come in handy one day

mr kookie: that sounds kinda evil

meplus: maybeeeee ;))

mr kookie: for safety reasons, i won't tell u her name ;)

meplus: rudeeeee
                   tell me ur name then

mr kookie: my name?

meplus: u know my brother's name and his school
                   sounds fair that i should at least know ur name right

mr kookie: hmm

meplus: omg cute 

mr kookie: haha, really?
                        i mean
                        i'd rather u say my name is manly

meplus: OMG HEHEHE
                   jungkook oppa has a manly name ;)

mr kookie is typing...

You stared at it for a second and expected some response to appear. It didn't. Instead, it disappeared and reappear continuously for a total of two minutes. 

You laughed. Did his brain stop functioning for a minute there or what?

meplus: oppa is so cute when he can't react on time ;)))))

mr kookie: hey, i am not cute
                         even u said that i was manly!

meplus: hehehe

mr kookie: tell me ur name too

meplus: u already know my brother's

mr kookie: that's different
                         i want to know urs

meplus: lemme think about it ;)

mr kookie: hey, no fair!

meplus: hehehe
                   it's y/n

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