2:52 pm - 180211

29 2 0

You got off the phone with So-yeon feeling more than mildly annoyed. You already had quite a bit to deal with Jungkook and this thing he felt he had to personally announce to you. So-yeon insisting that you step out of the house for yet another mixer that was bound to fail didn't help. At all.

At times like this, you wished you could just stop time to cool your head off. You weren't in the mood to fight anyone anytime soon, but it seemed that So-yeon managed to draw the worst out of you today.

What bad timing.


mr kookie to meplus:
i don't trust the system to accurately tell me that u're online anymore
usually, i wouldn't need to know
but this time i want to make sure u're there when i say it
3pm's good
i meet u then
ah, i realise that i'm being weird and pushy like this
i hope u'll understand once i say what i need to say

meplus to mr kookie:
gotcha 3pm it is then
i'll see u there
honestly i'm worried about u
but tell me everything later okay

You left your phone on the desk in your room to fetch a drink from the fridge. When you returned, Jungkook had replied and was already waiting for you in a private chatroom.


mr kookie to meplus:
i'll see in a bit, y/n
ah, don't worry
i just wanted to do this properly
the password for the chatroom is today's date

You entered the password. 

meplus and mr kookie are online.

mr kookie: hey, y/n

meplus: hi jungkook oppa

mr kookie: so u must be wondering what all this is about

meplus: yes
                   please be honest with me

mr kookie: i wouldn't be doing this if i wasn't being honest with u, y/n

meplus: wait
                   it's nothing bad right
                   u ain't telling me that u actually have some terminal illness or something right

mr kookie: oh no, of course not
                         physically, i'm doing fine
                         it's nothing like that

meplus: good
                  carry on

mr kookie: ah, y/n
                        i just wanted to tell u... something

meplus: yes

mr kookie: y/n
                         y/n, i just
                         this is so hard

meplus: should i be worried that u keep saying my name

mr kookie: no, don't be

meplus: jungkook oppa u r sure that u're not dying right
                  cos this feels like a cutscene before the main guy in a movie dies and i don't like it

mr kookie: no, no, it's really nothing like that
                         i'm fine
                         i can send u a picture of a recent check-up at the doctor's if u want

meplus: i think i'm good
                  but i really don't understand what's going on and what u're trying to say

mr kookie: sorry
                         i just
                         have such a hard time saying it

meplus: saying what

mr kookie: saying... this
                         saying that i... like you, y/n

You could literally feel your brain shortcircuit. 

What Jungkook just admitted was completely different from what you were expecting! You honestly thought something bad happened to him or was going to happen to him. Thank goodness he was dying or something.

But that he liked you...

It was surprisingly nice to hear? Which was weird. There were boys that told you the same thing before, and in person even. But for some reason, the confession only felt good coming from Jungkook.

mr kookie: ah, u don't have to respond to me now
                        and if u don't feel the same way, i understand

meplus: i like u too jungkook oppa

You tossed your phone into your pillow before waiting to see his response. 

Gosh, no wonder he had so much trouble coming to this. Just letting him know that you returned his feelings was enough embarrassment for this lifetime and the next fifteen lifetimes.

mr kookie: ah, really?!
                         ah, y/n, that's good to hear
                         yes, very good
                         it's good news

meplus: r u okay

mr kookie: of course!
                        of course i'm okay
                        why would i not be okay

meplus: u're talking to urself
                   i mean it's not bad or anything
                   it just doesn't feel like u
                   do u need a minute alone

mr kookie: yea

meplus: actually i got something to do after this
                  so i'll talk to u tomorrow, i guess?

mr kookie: ah, cool
                        talk to u soon, y/n

You really needed to stop lying to him just so you could take a moment to process things.

You found yourself calling So-yeon and apologising for the little argument you had in the morning. Turns out So-yeon herself had skipped out on the mixer because her boyfriend was having a headache. You ended up actually having something do to keep your mind off Jungkook.

But even as you sat down to some cake and tea with So-yeon, your mind somehow still drifted to Jungkook's "i like you".

Internet Love Affair (JJK Valentine's Day Special)Where stories live. Discover now