6:59 pm - 180201

43 1 1

It's your brother's turn to hog the bath today, so you sat in your room trying to finish up some homework while waiting.

You were currently doing some research for a paper that was due on Monday. Your laptop beeped and suddenly you lost your concentration. You looked over what you had already written. You were at least three-quarters of the way through the paper.

You decided to take a break.

meplus and mr kookie are online.

mr kookie: hey, y/n

meplus: hi
                   do u prefer gramps or oppa

mr kookie: what u do prefer?

meplus: u r older than me either way so it doesn't matter to me

mr kookie: haha
                        whatever floats ur boat really

meplus: i got it
                  u will be the grand-oppa

mr kookie: haha, what is that?

meplus: what do u mean what
                   that is u
                   grand-oppa ;)

mr kookie: cool
                        oh, coach's daughter came to watch practice today

meplus: did she decide she likes u better after all?

mr kookie: haha, i wish
                        she was just there cos they had to go somewhere for dinner

meplus: boringgggg
                  it would've been way more fun if she jumped at u with some candy instead

mr kookie: yea
                        wait, did she do that to min-jun hyung?

meplus: yes she did
                   it was in middle school
                   i was watching oppa play with my parents
                   she was there too
                   when he won she came out of nowhere
                   she literally threw some candy at him and asked him to go out with her

mr kookie: she's... brave

meplus: brave and also creepy
                   when she was hiding out waiting for oppa to pass by after his game
                   i thought she was gonna attack him

mr kookie: i guess that would've been scary if u were watching from the outside
                        did he say no to her?

meplus: NO HE DID NOT
                   he said he was too surprised to answer her properly
                   oppa said maybe

mr kookie: oh no
                        no wonder she's still on to him

meplus: that's what i keep telling him
                   he just brushes it off as a lil mistake
                   i swear that kid would've followed us home if her dad hadn't pulled her away

mr kookie: poor girl
                        she went all out and still got rejected

meplus: grand-oppa sounds nostalgic
                  wanna tell me more

mr kookie: haha, it wasn't me that got rejected, okay?

meplus: so who was it

mr kookie: my hyung

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