12:34 pm - 180210

32 2 0

Your parents were on an early Valentine's Day date and so was your brother and Hyejin unni. You were alone at home on a Saturday for the first time since elementary school when you tricked your babysitter into leaving you home alone.

You sat at the dining table alone, a slice of delivery pizza in one hand and your phone in the other.

Jungkook still hasn't replied to you.

What did he even have to be confused about? You're pretty sure you made it clear that you didn't pity him for being a single pringle - heck, you were in the same category - and that you just wanted him to be happy this Valentine's Day.

You bit down hard on what you thought was pizza. When it ended up being your tongue, you yelped out in pain and managed to stub your toe and spit out a chunk of half-chewed pizza at the same time. 

Dammit, why were you so out of it lately? 

You cleaned up and sat down again, with your feet facing a different direction to keep yourself from stubbing your toe again.

Your phone beeped.

You looked over and saw that you had a new message from Jungkook. That meant that he was probably online now.

You took another bite out of the slice of pizza in your hand, ignoring him for the time being.

Your phone started playing a weird tune, so you had to look over again.

mr kookie is calling.

What is this joke?

Why was he calling?! You didn't even know you could call people on that chatroom app!

This time, you were adamant on ignoring him. In ignoring Jungkook, you managed to polish off the entire pizza. And then you realised your mistake and cursed at yourself. You had to go for a run to burn some of that off before dinner.

You just sat at the table and alternated giving your attention to the now empty box of pizza and your phone. After a while of staring, you gave in.


mr kookie to meplus:
i think i've got it, y/n
but this is important, so let's meet in the chatroom now

mr kookie to meplus:
r u online or is the system lying to me?
there's a green dot beside ur name but u haven't read my messages
i need to tell u something, y/n


Missed call from mr kookie.

[12:51 pm]

2 missed call(s) from mr kookie.

Wow, you really were great at ignoring people. For the first time, you weren't proud of it. You felt like a stone-hearted jerk.

Jungkook had replied. Tried to call you even, but somehow it didn't feel right to respond yet. You didn't want to talk to him properly right now. 

The dot beside his name was black, so you were safe for now.


meplus to mr kookie:
i was having lunch when u called so i couldn't pick up
the system's probably messing with u cos i definitely wasn't online when u called
what is it that u wanted to say?
u said it was important but i'm not free to pick up calls right now
so let's just meet in the chatroom tomorrow?

You typed out an excuse not to speak with him for a while, and it left a guilty feeling brewing in the pit of your stomach. It made you feel antsy, and you ended up pacing around your home. When the clock hit 3, you couldn't take it anymore and changed into a tracksuit to go out for a run.

Hopefully, getting some fresh air and some exercise would help clear your head and your heart.

Internet Love Affair (JJK Valentine's Day Special)Where stories live. Discover now