January 24th 2018

19 2 6

1. Basically this morning I woke up this morning and it wasn't raining so I decided to go to school without a coat. But because I live in jolly old England guess what happened ten minutes into my hour long walk... It fucking rained. And not just a little bit, it was like a storm, I would not have been surprised if I saw lightning and shit. So yeah I ended up being stuck in soaking wet uniform all day and my shoes basically had puddles in them also bonus fact the school shirts we have to wear go see through when we get them wet... I hate my life.

2. I was in my English class. Bare in mind this is a top set in year 10 (15 year olds for you non-British people) so we're meant to be achieving A's and B's and we were analysing a poem and someone literally asked "What is a lethal?" Those were their exact words... My class is full of idiots.

3. Someone in my science class didn't know where the Loch Ness Monster lives. We were having a discussion with the teacher about the Loch Ness monster and someone asked where it was. At first I thought they didn't know the country which I would be ok with but no, when someone answered Scotland their response was, and I quote: "No, I meant what ocean is it in?"..........

4. In that same science class when the teacher stepped out of the room some guy spat in this girls face and then she retaliated by getting her water bottle and throwing water at him which started what could be considered a water fight between the whole class and I was sat there trying to figure out how to do my work, keep by book dry and somehow not get judged for it

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