February 18th 2018

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1) We got a new doorbell today and it makes the dumbest sound possible and since I live with two brothers that's all I've heard all day because they think that it's absolutely hilarious. 

2) One of my friends got obsessed with a new show this week and has convinced all my other friends to watch it too.  It was only when she recommended it to me I realised that it was a show that I'd seen about a year ago but no one else had seen it so I never mentioned it. Now all of my friends are talking about it and quoting it and I feel sort of like a proud parent.  (For those who are curious the show's called Camp Camp)

3) I was googling angel names (which may or may not have been for a story that I've started writing) and I'm not joking the first result was Castiel which I thought was pretty cool, then I realised that all the others had paintings from books as the picture that went with it... Castiel's was a picture of Misha Collins. It's a great time to be a Supernatural fan. (And as a bonus in the description of each name Castiel's is "Angel of Thursday, also the name of the angel hero in the famous TV show 'Supernatural'"

4) On Friday I finished a book that we were given in computer science, I was under the impression that this book was all the work we were meant to have done by Easter then we would start a new topic... I was wrong. I have just been informed that apparently that was just practice work for a project that we need to do after half term. The project is 20 hours long and we have to do it on our own. I could barely do half hour long practice tasks in a pair... I'm screwed! (Oh and the nail in the coffin, apparently it's not even graded but it's a required part of the course)

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