February 27th 2019 (Hello again...)

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I should probably start updating this again...

So, hey... its been a while... How are you doing? My life's going about as well as it was when I started this story.

-I've got my exams this year (75 days from now) and the amount of revision classes I have to attend is getting ridiculous. I've got an hour and bit after school on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays (For, science, maths and English respectively (Though I don't go to English that often because I can't stand my teacher)) and I've got an hour and half/two hours more maths after school on Fridays as well as the lunchtime ones at least twice a week (But to he fair I only go to these half the time) on top of all my homework. I've done way too much revision...

-I've got to redo my English speaking exam this week despite getting the highest possible grade last time. Apparently some of the recordings got corrupted so now we have to redo it incase the exam board ask for them but if I do worse this time I still keep my old mark. I don't see the point in wasting a week of a lesson I'm already behind in doing something I've already done? I want to just go up and wing it but if my teacher finds out that's what I did she'd crucify me (she doesn't like me at all).

-Another one of my classes are being spilt up despite the fact there are only 15 people in it. This wouldn't bother me if the teacher we're potentially getting moved to wasn't useless and it wasn't the only class I get to sit next to my girlfriend because knowing my luck I'll be moved and she won't.

My physics teacher is delusional and honestly thinks he can teach a 2 year course in its entirety in 6 months. We're doing enough content for 4 lessons every hour and we're all being worked to death it sucks.

-It isn't all bad though, I adopted a dwarf hamster called Echo and he's adorable (Even if he does wake me up at 3am)

-It isn't all bad though, I adopted a dwarf hamster called Echo and he's adorable (Even if he does wake me up at 3am)

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-I got a new maths teacher in September and I'm really happy about it. Normally I hate new teachers but my last one was absolutely useless and I was working way below my target grade, but this new one is actually a really good teacher and I genuinely think I can I get a grade 7/8 (A/A*) in his class (And he's really sarcastic and funny and I love it, plus he gave everyone who attended revision after school a donut last Friday)

My English class may be terrible, but I'm sat next to one of the funniest guys in my year. We both hate the subject and so all we do is make fun of the texts we have to study and mess about, so far we have:
-Created a full Ghostbusters themed rewrite of Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol".
-Gotten into trouble for laughing at the idea of Tybalt from Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" being a chav if he lived in the modern day.
-Read an entire act of "Romeo and Juliet" to each other reading Juliet's lines in the same voice ad Jar Jar from Star Wars because of one quote where she says the word "Methinks" and we thought it was hilarious.
-Made many "An Inspector Calls" memes.
-Stabbed the inside of a pen with a needle and acted surprised when it leaked everywhere.
-Nearly got a detention for debating whether cowboys were gay.
-Stated a class debate about whether writing a formal letter is actually a useful skill.
-Watched "Madagascar" on Netflix at the back of the class during a test
-Started a conspiracy theory that our maths teachers husband doesn't actually exist until I remembered that I had actually seen them in a bookshop once... Then continued the theory saying it was a hologram.
Needless to say, we don't get much work done.

That's about all the interesting stuff thats happened to me recently. I might start updating this more, it depends how busy I am with exams and stuff

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2019 ⏰

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