June 5th 2018

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Wow, I haven't done one of these in ages, sorry about that to the 1.5 people who actually care about this.

My cousin moved in with us like last month and the other day he saw me and my older brother watching Supernatural (Season 13 only just started airing in the UK) and asked if he could watch it with us. At the end he asked us what the show was called and we told him, the next week he watched it with us again at which point I asked him why he didn't just start the show from season 1 since I have them all on DVD. That was about a week ago he's now at the end of season 3 and his favourite character is Dean and (Spoilers!) I'm pretty sure he's at the part where the hellhounds kill him because I've just heard him very loudly shouting random combinations of "No", "Why" and "For gods sake"... I'd call that a success.

I officially found out that school is stupid today. In England when you're 16 you take something called GCSEs which used to be graded A*-G (Which is how I think things are done in places like America, correct me if I'm wrong) but now they've changed it to 1-9 (9=A**, 8=A*, 7=A, 6=B, 5=C, 4=D, 3=E, 2=F and 1=G). We did a Computer Science test the other day and I just got my results back, I got 100% but only a grade 8+... Either the teacher who marked my test has a personal vendetta against me or the exam board honestly expects people to be gods or something to get top grades.

The football (Or soccer depending on where you live) World Cup's starting soon and one of my second-cousins got called up for one of the national teams! Me and my brothers were really proud, but no one else I've told seems to care XD

I decided to sign up for a camping trip with my school with one of my friends and I was looking forward to it because it was only going to be a few people who were ok (as in not annoying or bullies) and it would only be from our year group so we won't be with any little kids (at the time of the trip my year group will be the oldest in the school) but today I was informed that the school has also invited the year group below us which are the worst in the school (They broke our record for the worst behaved kids to ever go there) and I am not happy about it.

I found out that my city holds the weirdest records (these are all real according to my friend): Safest car park in the world, home of the first factory in the world, Worst ever performance in a sports league (For those who care it was the football premier league), the 2nd best place to raise a child in the UK, and the Most haunted city centre in the UK, and the least polluted city in the UK. What a weird place! XD

Our school building has three floors and the other day me and my friends were outside and we looked up and found a pair of blunt scissors stuck in the wall on the outside on the third floor, how?

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