January 25th 2018

12 1 1

1. Its like midnight and I can't sleep because at my Guide unit we were doing Scottish themed stuff and I tried some tablet (Which is basically sugar stuck together with sugar) and now I'm on a sugar rush and can't sleep. I have an exam in the morning... Eh it was worth it

2. We had to do a group project in English with the people we were sat with, my group was ok for once it had one of my friends in it and the other two people I kinda got along with. But one of the teams on the opposite side of the classroom only had two people and because my teacher hates me she moved me. So then my new team consisted of the two most popular and annoying boys in the class... Just my luck

3. None of my friends we in my class just before lunch so I was in the dinner line by myself and because I'm small for my age these little kids (I call them little, they were taller than me) kept thinking I was a year 7 (11/12 year olds) and were annoying me the whole time because they didn't know I was older than them.

4. My Physics teacher keeps using me a measure for how well people should be working. We were given a sheet and told to work through the questions and when she noticed I was done she said in front of the while class "You all have no excuse for not finishing this in the lesson, Charlie's done already" and I hate it

Stupid/Annoying Stuff That Happens To MeWhere stories live. Discover now