February 27th 2018

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1. All this week the UK has been bullied by loads of snow and it's becoming a problem all around the country... Apart from where I live! Everywhere else the snow settled and schools were shut but my city? Nooo! Our weather can't decide if it wants to snow or not, every 5 minutes we'll look outside and be like "Oh its snowing quite a lot, its starting to settle" and then in 2 minutes the sun will show up again (The only time it shows up in Britain is to rob us of our snow days) and the snow will melt then the cycle will repeat...

2. Speaking of the snow it got so bad at like 11 today it was like blizzard (didn't stay on the ground long though, thanks sun!) and we couldn't see out the window because of it. And since we'd never seen snow that bad before, we wanted to watch it (As most people did) but our teacher in that lessons was so miserable and shut all the blinds so the snow didn't 'distract us' from our work, we weren't even doing anything interesting it was just going over something we'd done before!

3. Over the half term our Maths teacher set us homework to do an entire past exam paper over the week off, which was annoying to begin with but we all did it anyway (eventually, it was difficult and took us a while but we made it in the end) and guess what? The teacher didn't show up! There was no point in me rushing it the previous night... Fuck my life.

4. On the way to school I was walking with 3 friends and one of them was talking about how someone had told her that her boyfriend had been saying things like "Relationships are so hard" and was basically complaining about being with her. This friend was pissed about it but told us not to say anything so we didn't cause an argument. As soon as we got in the gates one of the other friends I was with found the guy and immediately had a go at him for what he had said despite promising she wouldn't say anything! (The good news is that the couple are still together and it turns out it was all a misunderstanding)

5. There was a guy at the back of my Biology class today (and was in my Physics the day before) and we didn't know who he was. (We later learned that he's training to be a teacher at the school) and we were doing a photosynthesis experiment and he came over to me and started asking me questions about the experiment and it was so awkward 'cause when I don't want to talk to someone I talk really fast so he couldn't hear what I was saying so I had to keep repeating myself and I hated it so much!

6. My girlfriend wasn't in school today and so one of my other friends started 'bullying' me all day (She doesn't a actually bully me, she just generally tries to be a nuisance and we all find it hilarious) because my girlfriend is normally the only one that stands up for me XD

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