July 17th 2018

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I just finished a week of mock exams and I got my English test back today. The total marks was 80, 40 of which were for answering questions based on some old extract from a book they gave you and 40 were for writing a story based on the prompt they give you. I was expecting to get around 25 marks for the questions and 20 for the story (because my old English teacher hated my writing style and always marked me low and I thought it was just me being bad) but I surprised myself and got 31 on the questions bit and 38 on the story! I was so proud of myself and I'll post it here at some point soon.

I also did one of the dumbest things ever out of pure spite. I was talk to my older brother about Detroit Become Human and was telling him how it's my life goal to finish the game 100%. He laughed at me and said I'd never be able to do it so guess who made a bet to get it done by the end of the 6 weeks? I'm going to need some time to mentally prepare for this...

I got to have pizza tonight as a reward for finishing my mocks and when I went with my mum to pick it up, I saw my English teacher walking down the street and I'm pretty sure she saw me... I want to die...

I got invited to an "Awards Evening" on Thursday because apparently one of my teachers nominated me and I honestly don't know how I've done it, so now I have to go back to school at seven o'clock at night with my parents and will probably end up having to talk to a bunch of teachers that I spend the day trying to ignore. Fun...

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