Chapter 10

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Gary's POV

It was a very fun night. Me and Serena watched all kinds of movies.

But then I looked over and saw that Serena couldn't keep her eyes open. I looked at the clock and it was close to midnight. I sighed. Looks like the night was coming to an end.

I lifted Serena in my arms, carrying her bridal style. She got flustered, but wrapped her arms around my neck anyway.

I went to her bedroom and laid her down on her bed. She had already changed into her pajamas earlier.

I carefully draped the blanket over her. She looked at me, smiling weakly. "Thanks.. for everything, Gary."

I lean down and kiss her cheek, remembering the time when she kissed mine. When I started to lean back up, she was blushing.

"I won't let Calem take you, Serena.", I thought.

I then left the house and got into the car. A lot of stuff clouded my mind on the way back, but I had to focus more on driving.


Serena's POV

My eyes slowly fluttered open and I saw light coming from my windows.

I yawned, starting to get up from my bed. "Last night was amazing..", I thought to myself, blushing lightly.

I never thought I'd actually enjoy spending time with that stupid porcupine.

Then, that's when I remembered... the kiss. My blush progressively got darker, and I was pretty sure steam was rising from my skin.

However, all of this was interrupted by my rumbling stomach AND my phone vibrating on my nightstand.

I went to grab my phone. "Hello?" "Good morning, sunshine." I sighed, realizing that it was Calem on the other line. "Good morning..", I said, trying not to sound confused. I needed to figure out why he and Gary had that altercation. I need to provoke him.

"So, what are you doing today?", he asked. "Well.. I've got another date with Gary later on today. I'm so excited for it!", I lied. I knew my plan was working because I heard a few moments of silence and then Calem blowing his breath.

"Serena, he's NOT good enough for you. He doesn't deserve you."

"But Calem.. Gary's not as bad as you think.."

Calem muttered something I couldn't hear. "Huh?" "I said, sooner or later, you'll come to your senses." With that, he hung up. "Dammit! Now I'll never know why.. At least, not unless I ask Gary."

Misty's POV

My eyes slowly and painfully opened. I had cried myself to sleep.. again.

It hurt to see Ash had moved on so quick. Did I mean that little to him?

At this point, I'm both frustrated and disappointed. I need to know how much he really means to me.

I reach for my phone, then I winced as the screen brightened. As my eyes got adjusted to the phone's brightness, I saw that I had gotten a text from my sister.

"From: Daisy

Our new neighbors are moving in tomorrow. If you have the time, go help them when you see them."

I sighed. I just skipped through her message and went straight to Ash's.

"Ash, can we talk?", I typed in, feeling more nervous than I should.

I hit the Send button, sighing in relief. "Hopefully, he'll respond to me..", I thought, rubbing my tired and watery eyes.

Serena's POV

SerenaTheQueen17: Anything new?

Miss Troublesome<3: Nah. How's you and Gare-Bear? :3

SerenaTheQueen17: HEY! That's my nickname for him. >:c

Miss Troublesome<3: Please tell me you two are dating.

SerenaTheQueen17: Uhm.. well.. Me and him did go on a date yesterday.. >/////<

No response.

I was confused until my messages got bombarded, all of them coming from May.


MayLovesFood: When is the wedding?

MayLovesFood: Can I come?

MayLovesFood: OMG OMGGG <33333


MayLovesFood: Can I name your children?

MayLovesFood: Please?

MayLovesFood: PLEASE---

MayLovesFood: ;-;

SerenaTheQueen17: MAY! MAY! Calm down! Me and Gary aren't dating! What did Dawn tell you?

MayLovesFood: What?! Awwww ;-; I wanted my OTP to be canon!

SerenaTheQueen17: MAAAAAAY. -///////-

MayLovesFood: ^_^

Before I could text anything, my phone started ringing. It was Gary calling. "Hello?", I answered.

"Good morning, gorgeous.", I heard Gary say with a flirty tone. "Hi Gary.", I said in a monotone voice with a deadpan expression.

"Hope you're ready cause we're going on another date!"

"What?!", I gasped, nearly choking on my own spit.

"Come on, please? I want this date to be better than yesterday's date.", Gary said, this time in a much softer tone.

I blushed. "...Look, I have plans today. But.. we can do this tomorrow."

Gary sighed. "Well , that's good enough for me. See you tomorrow!"

"Yeah yeah.", I said, chuckling before hanging up the phone.

I sighed too, pulling up another number on my phone and called it.


"Hey, Calem? I cancelled on me and Gary's date. I need to hang out with you for today."

"Really??", Calem said happily. "Mm hm." "What time do you want me to pick you up?", Calem asked, almost excitedly.

"In one hour." "Okay! I'll be there.", Calem said.

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