6 - Ghostly Friends

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Friday after dinner, Alice, Bane and I headed to the library to get ahead of all the homework that was starting to pile up.

Two hours of us sturdily burying our heads in books, writing essays among the notes and parchment lying about on a secluded table by the window, Bane made a loud "Urgh!" sound.

"That's it! I'm done, I don't care how much Professor Binns wants, this is what he gets," staring down at his roll of parchment. I looked up to smile then continued my work.

A few minutes later I heard giggling, and looked up to see Bane tickling Alice on the neck with his feather quill.

"Ahahah! S-st-stop!" Alice exclaimed, still laughing, and I grinned at the couple in front of me.

"Alright, it must be sometime around 9. Let's head back."

"You two go ahead and don't wait up, I want to finish this."

I was on a roll on my Arithmancy paper, and was determined to finish it by tonight even though it was due a couple of days later.

I had finished my History of Magic and Potions homework and was determined to make the third a charm.

"As you see fit Miss Klane," mockingly, Bane made a serious face and did a salute.

"Goodnight then."

"Miss Misforth, shall we?" Bane said holding out his arm, making me and Alice laugh more.

I watched their retreating figures with a smile, then resumed my work.

I didn't know when I had dozed off and woke up to find the library darkened.

Gathering my things into an undectable extension pouch that fit into my pocket (which my aunt and uncle had gifted me for my birthday) and returning books to their respective places, I looked outside the large window.

The sky was clear and moon was set high.

I was walking as quickly and silently as possible, hoping I wouldn't run into anyone or anything.

However on the way down to the dungeons, I came across Peeves at the end of the corridor.

I froze.

His white shiny form was visible through the moonlight, and he had his back to me. He seemed to be humming a tune whilst planning a scheme to set the lavatories on fire.

I was halfway across and didn't know what to do.

I slowly stepped towards the side, hoping to seal myself. Once I felt my body brush the stone wall, I inclined forward, hoping to hide myself behind the large gargoyle statue.

Before I had a chance to take another step forward, a hand enclosed my mouth.

"Shh. It's me." He said in a soft whisper then removed his hand and put the other on my back.

I was so focused on Peeves that I didn't notice anyone else approaching.

He moved us behind the statue.

Peeves now had turned around and started making his way towards us.

Afraid he might spot us, I turned around and was holding Tom's waist before I knew it, my head on his shoulder and my eyes tightly squeezed shut, hoping we were as concealed as possible.

A few minutes passed.

"He's gone."

My eyes flew open and I realised I was still holding onto him.

I moved my head to see him looking down at me.

We looked at each other for a while before I slowly removed myself, and he started straightening his robes.

"You should not be out here at this time."

Just as I was about to open my mouth, he answered - "I'm on patrol tonight."

Softly I said "I fell asleep in the library..." and avoided his eyes.

"I'm almost done. We will head back together." I nodded, confused and we walked back in silence.

We entered a warm but deserted common room and I turned and started heading for my dormitory when a hesitant voice called.

"Rana." I turned around.

"About Potions on Tuesday... what you said -"

Firmly I stated "I don't want to talk about it."

I stepped closer to him after seeing the slightly disappointed look on his face.

This time, gently I added,

"I don't want to talk about it...tonight."

He nodded as if in understanding.

"I'll walk you to your door." He stated instead of asking.

"You know you can't come in." I smiled, remembering the memory of how Tom tried to enter once and was blasted back by the magical barrier.

When we reached the door, Tom stopped and stared deeply into my eyes. He said goodnight and started heading off.

I had my hand on the doorknob when I hesitated, and not being able to help myself, I grabbed his wrist before he ventured too far, causing him to turn.

My hands came around Tom, enveloping him in a hug. He was startled then started to relax into it, and slowly moved his hands around my waist, pulling me closer.

This time, this felt different. His smell started intoxicating me, doing something to my chest.

I could feel his hard chest against me, increasing my heartbeat.

A heard a creaking somewhere and then a gasp.

Immediately we sprang apart to find Alice, in her pajama set and disheveled hair, looking at us with eyes wide open. She quickly said sorry and shut the door again.

Tom looked at me blankly and added sarcastically, "Well that wasn't dramatic."

He then turned around and started heading back to his dorm.

I stood there in a daze.

As if sensing this, he turned his head and said "Get some sleep Klane."

That night, I slept soundlessly.

Tromedlov - A Tom Riddle Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now