13 - Risky Research

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Seeing it was inevitable Tom was going to avoid me today after what happened this morning, I decided to do some research.

I was still confused as to why Tom has bought me up to his room. He hadn't given a straight answer, but I assumed it had something to do with me being 'his'. Almost like a possession. I don't know how comfortable that made me feel. Trying to put these thoughts aside, I found myself in the library after lunch.

I was wondering past the towering shelves stacked with books in various shades before coming upon a sign and a barricade towards the end.


I peered over my shoulder, seeing a few students scattered here and there in the distance, then looked back at the sign. After contemplating for a moment, I decided to turn around and head towards the various sections, grabbing relevant books.

Once I could hold as many books as I could, I located an isolated desk, under the large arched window from which I could see the grounds of Hogwarts and it's surrounding, with various shades of autumn, fallen leaves and bare branches here and there.

I settled into a wooden chair whilst placing my books and bag on the table, taking out my quill, ink and notebook.

I picked up the first book on top of my stack.

Hogwarts: A History

Starting simple, I flipped to the section about the founders of the houses, reading over what I already knew about Salazar Slytherin.


By the time I was done, night had fallen.

I glanced over the few pieces of parchment now filled with writing, all to do with the Slytherin line.

Not much extensive knowledge existed, and as you got further through the years, the more difficult it became finding information about the exisiting descendants.

The lines started to blur, and the majority of history focused on its founding fathers.

Signing, I decided it was to call it a day and head down to dinner.

Whilst gathering my belongings, a thought occurred to me.

Perhaps instead of limiting myself to books, I should go through newspapers. Surely there must be something in there, whether it be boasting achievements or scandals. The Slytherins weren't exactly known for their subtlety.

As I entered the Great Hall, I noticed my usual spot with Tom was filled by some of Tom's... associates.

As I walked by, Tom did not meet my gaze.

"Hey," Alice had a smirk on as I slid in next to Bane.

Heaping some mashed potatoes, beans and turkey drumsticks on my plate, I looked up to witness Alice and Bane giving me smug looks.

"Wah," I said, taking a bite of my turkey.

"Alice informed me you weren't in your dormitory last night, and this morning," Bane said slightly nudging me.

I could feel my face and neck starting to get warm.

Swallowing, I answered.

"I, urgh, fell asleep on the couch, and then..."

"You and a particular wizard spent the night together," Alice finished.

"No...yes, but it's not what you think."

"Sure it isn't, but we're fine with it, you guys seemed so frustrated recently an-"

"We didn't okay? He simply took me up to his dorm and nothing happened."

"Boring." (Alice).

I rolled my eyes.

Bane added, "Though if Tom needs any tips, I'm happy too h-"

"Urgh stop let's just drop this!"

Both Alice and Bane laughed seeing the discomfort on my face.

"Anyways, I need your help with something. I'm doing some extra curricular research about the Slytherins, and I was wondering what you guys know."

"Hm, probably just the same as you. Why?" Bane asked.

"Well I am in Slytherin, and I wanted to learn a bit more about our founding family."

"In our fifth year?" Alice questioned.

"Can you guys help or not?"

"All questions and no clear answers. No wonder you and Tom get along so well. I don't know why you're so interested, they aren't a particularly interesting family anymore, but we'll see what we can do," Alice stated, slightly nudging Bane as he was becoming distracted with his food.

"Thanks!" I said grinning and continued with my meal.

"Oh, and if you need help considering something else - hey!"

Alice laughed whilst Bane was wiping off the mashed potato I flicked at his face.

I glanced down the table. Tom seemed to be listening to something Evan Rosier was saying, and I exhaled whilst continuing with my meal.

Tromedlov - A Tom Riddle Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now