15 - Restricted Section

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My breathing sounded like a baby mandrake's cry. Well, at least to me.

I glanced to the left, then right, then up. The corridor was dark and silent. The entrance to the library felt eerie at night.

I pushed the door open and ran inside, quickly shutting it behind me. I turned around and muttered "Lumos".

The tall bookshelves were looming over me as I quickly made my way to my spot up the back. Spotting the desk, I ran over.

The desk was empty! What am I going to do now? Just as I was starting to freak out, the moonlight broke free against the clouds, shining light to the floor, casting my eyes downwards.

I breathed out a sign of relief. Picking up my notebook, I carefully put it in my pouch and placed it in my pocket.

Exiting my row, I was heading towards the entrance when I had another thought. Since I was already here, it wouldn't do any harm to check.

Turning back around, I made my way towards the back again.

Reaching the end, I put my hand on the door, and it easily pushed open. Strange - shouldn't the Restricted Section be locked? 

Not thinking much of it, I entered. 

The temperature back here seemed to be much cooler, or maybe it was my nerves getting to me. 

I should not be here. 

Getting closer to the bookshelves, I cast my wand upwards and moved through the sections, reaching the S rows. 

Nope, nothing so far of any family history. Maybe coming back here was a mistake. 

Sighing, I started to make my way back towards the entrance, until my wand cast light on something. 

'Secrets of the Darkest Art'.

The Slytherins were known to use dark magic, maybe some of their misuses, or rather uses were documented? 

Grabbing to reach it, my hand brushed the chains of the book right next to it. 

As soon as I had gotten a hold of it, the chains of the other book sizzled to life. 

Before I had a chance to blink, it latched onto my fingers, wrapping itself around my palm. 

I yelped and in doing so, dropped 'Secrets of the Darkest Art' along with my wand. 

My heart was beating rapidly, and my free hand grabbed a hold of my restrained one, trying to pry the chain off.

My breathing was becoming faster and the chain was tight around my hand, making it sore and causing me to let go. 

My wand had rolled a little down the table, so I tried to lean my body over. My fumbling fingers were almost within grasp, and after feeling the wood brush on my tips, I leaned further to grab a hold of it. 

Instantly I pointed my wand at the chains and said "Relashio". 

The binding loosened, and I quickly pulled my hand free and stepped back, my heart rate slightly decreasing. 

Feeling myself calming down, I slowly reached toward the table to collect the book, when I heard "Rana". 

I flicked my head toward the sound, and felt my eyes widen. 


First posted: 18 January 2020

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