1/28/18: False Hope

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   8:40am. I just woke up. Ever have those mornings when it just seems a little too perfect? Well, that's happening right now. I woke up to the sun shining in my room, making it seem like the furniture was glowing. I didn't sleep wild, so my bed wasn't all messy like it usually is. I can hear birds silently chirping outside and the wind blowing softly even though my window isn't open. "To All of You" by Syd Matters is playing on my bluetooth speaker (which I forgot to charge last night so thank god it's still playing music). It's like, the perfect temperature. Not too cold, not too hot. MY SISTERS AREN'T MAKING NOISE IN THE ROOM NEXT TO ME?!?! That's VERY rare.
   Overall, good morning (so far). How are y'all doing? EDIT: I just found out that my mom only has 4% of her heart currently functioning. I knew it. Nothing can be perfect...

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