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   Today is gonna be an average day. I can already feel it. It's Monday, meaning I have a late start. Instead of school starting at 8:00 am, it starts at 9:20 am. I honestly have no motivation as of right now. I have a photography project due that I didn't get a chance to do due to the fact that I forgot my camera at school, and I also have a math and German quiz all on this one Monday (I think).

   The people at my school are such assholes. There are so many fucking hoodrats and closeted racists, and that's not a good mix. We just had a fight last Friday in one of the most crowded hallways in the school. Closer to the beginning of the school year, I got called a dyke by a retarded freshman who was tryin' to act cool in front of her freshman friends solely because I was wearing an Adidas muscle shirt. That's another thing, I hate when people try to show off for others, because later in life-they're not gonna be there for you. You yourself are. We're all alone in this world whether we like it or not, and I've come to accept that already. Now it's up to them to accept it too. Just wait. One day they'll be stranded or in a tough place and they'll have to realize at that moment that they have no one there for them, and it'll be a tough realization.

   What you gon' do, freshie?

8:16 AM

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