3/22/19: Approached by a REALLY Creepy Guy

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   I fell asleep while writing this chapter, and decided to delete it due to the fact that the grammar was hella bad since I was half sleeping. Anyways, yesterday was wild (re-writing this 3/23/19). My friend Tia and I were sitting at a two-seat table in Starbucks. I had a grande hot chocolate (which is so fucking good at any time), and Tia had a Trenta strawberry acai. We were in there for a good twenty minutes just chillin' and enjoying our time together when a stranger approached us. He asked if we had a phone that he could use; and me, being the good samaritan that I am, let him use it. He took it and questioned how to get to the number pad. He called the number, thanked me, and left for about 5 minutes before coming back. Weird. He asked to use my phone again. I was a bit weirded out, but I mean, this dude might have a late ride or sumn, so I gave up my phone to him again. He asked how to get to the number pad... again (it's not that fucking hard wtf). This time I watched him like a fucking hawk. I was ready for anything. He talked for about 10 minutes, gave my phone back to me, did a 360 turn standing in place, and asked if he could use it AGAIN right after he just hang up! What the fuck! At this point, I was thinkin' dude was on drugs or sumn. I let him use it, but I directly told him that this would be the last time he did. He seemed to call the same number, talked for a while, and finally gave the phone back to me after a long suspenseful wait. After that, he walked away. Phew! But wait, I couldn't get my hopes up. He came back AGAIN after like what, 30 seconds and asked to use my phone a-fucking-gain. I said no as sternly as possible and he literally begged for it. Literally, what the fuck. Afterward, he finally gave up and sprinted out of the Starbucks into the dark (take into account that it was 8:40 p.m. and we were in the middle of fucking Chicago). I called my mom to pick me and my friend up since we didn't feel comfortable walking back to her house.

  There's more, obviously, but ion feel like talking about it right now. Peace!

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